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  1. J

    rich piana supplements

    I was wondering if any of you use Rich Piana supplements or have you used them in the past? I know he is sort of a controversial figure for different reasons but I’ve always was inspired by his videos and he seemed like a cool dude just to hang out with how are his supplements today are they...
  2. R

    joint issues MSM not helping

    Been having some joint issues using Winnie and this MSM and glucosamine doesn’t seem to be helping it seems to hurt me worse on days I’m doing High repetitions and really pushing the envelope I’m training five times a week and I’m trying to take days off here and there and get some good rest do...
  3. A

    hard time breathing in my chest post workouts

    Whenever I do a lot of core work and work my abs and chest afterwards it becomes very hard for me to breathe I’m not sure what’s going on I’ve been to a doctor and he checked me out and he said that he couldn’t see anything wrong with me can you give me any supplements that I can take maybe I...
  4. R

    becoming bigger supplements

    currently 5’9’’ and 144 pounds and 22 years old. I’m training in the gym and I’m hitting it hard almost every day but I’m not seeing the type of growth that I was expecting I know I need to start adding some supplements because diet alone is not going to do the trick which supplements will help...
  5. V

    bed bug bite issues

    so I have bed bugs that are biting me all on my legs and my ankles I’m hoping you can give me some insights as to which creams and which supplements can help with this is there something that I can take to kind of make my blood not appetizing for them I know it’s a crazy question but I’m seeking...
  6. C

    supplements for cheap

    I’m looking for the best supplements that are cheap I’m trying to set up a budget and wouldn’t want to spend more than 120 dollars a month total what are two or three supplements that I can get for that cost that would be worth it cross creatine off the list I’ve tried it and I wasn’t impressed...
  7. V

    lots of pain after training

    I’m 52 years old and I’m 240 pounds and five foot nine I’m doing a lot of power lifting I pretty much stick to bench press and squats on the smith machine then I’ll do some isolation lifts after that and I’ll do some cardio as well to warm up dealing with pain in both my elbows and my knees...
  8. C

    how do I fix my joints?

    I’ve had some issues with my joints and they aren’t getting any better. Specifically my wrists. They are very inflamed and swollen and its frustrating me. It’s making it hard to lift weights correctly and I’m having to go very light especially gets aggravated when I’m doing Skull Crushers and...
  9. L

    Best supplements you would recommend for less than 120 dollars

    my budget per month is 120$ of supplements and I’m not going to pay anything more I’m looking for the best supplements that you would recommend for that price or lower my main goals are muscle mass and overall health what would you recommend I try?
  10. F

    losing fertility as I age

    I’m on my second marriage and my new wife wants a baby I’m 44 years old and she’s 38 my fertility has definitely been dropping over the past five years using anabolic steroids certainly has not helped the situation I would like to use a supplement that can help boost my fertility and go that...
  11. N

    Proper vitamins for immune system

    I’m looking to boost my immune system as I just signed up to a gym and I know that there’s a lot of germs going around especially in my area wanted to boost my immune system so I didn’t get any issues really worried about the flu in covid that seems to be the two that go around a lot where I...
  12. S

    safe supplements for me and my wife

    my wife and I both got into weight training for the first time she is 24 years old and I am 26 years old we’ve done different sports over the years so we’re not new to Athletics but we are completely new when it comes to weight training itself which supplements can we take together that would be...
  13. K

    best supplements while on halo?

    I’m going to be using Halo on this next cycle gonna be doing four weeks of it at 20 milligrams a day my main goals are strengths and I would like to take a supplement that will help support my health and my organs. Which supplement would be best to use with it something that is definitely good...
  14. B

    bad energy and fatigue :(

    I’ve been dealing with a lot of bad energy and fatigue ever since I ran anadrol and tren together. Should have listened to some people who said not to use them together but I was stubborn now my energy levels are really bad I did not run support supplements either so I’m assuming my liver and...
  15. M

    how much psyllium husk should I be using

    I’m getting into a bodybuilder diet and I’m increasing the amount of protein I’m getting up to 300 grams per day I’m eating a lot of chicken, rice, red meat, fish, and other protein like shakes. It’s worried about my fiber intake and I know psyllium husk is recommended should I be taking it...
  16. M

    personal trainer advice

    I weight training when I was younger then I took some years away from it now I’m looking to get back into it. The main purpose I would like to get a personal trainer it’s to hold me accountable and to motivate me. If I have to pay someone then I’m more likely to go to the gym and take time to...
  17. K

    after my workouts I get very tired

    I’ve noticed that after I work out I get very tired. I take a pre-workout before I go in the morning and then I have to go to work afterwards for a 10-hour shift. This is no good as it’s making me tired while I am at work and I have to think a lot at my work well advice would you give me when it...
  18. T

    meal replacement brands?

    What would you recommend when it comes to brands that work the best for meal replacements I honestly just don’t have the time to do it on my own and want to be much easier if I had it shipped to me I’m sure there are some healthy options out there that you would recommend
  19. T

    my muscles won’t budge

    I’ve been stuck at a plateau now for a couple months and I’m having a hard time putting on any muscle I’m hoping you can give me some tips to help me build more size with supplements currently in my 30s and I am training around five times a week and one hour per session need some extra push I guess
  20. J

    joints inflamed again

    a year ago I had really bad joint problems I took some time off from the gym and now I’m back hitting it really hard. My joint problems are back and even worse than before it’s very discouraging especially considering the gym is the place that I consider my safe space. Any supplements that you...
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