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New Guy Here With Pics

Thanks for the replies it really helps.Brief history I'm 36yrs old,been lifting off and on for last 18yrs,serious the last 3 real serious for last year.heres the question what do I need or what can I take to help burn off middle fat.I know everyone will say cardio, doing some but hurts low back and knees to do to much so I dont follow thru.Any suggestions?Thanks
tank material.

I guess your PL more then BB, so the 36" waist is not an issue. And with the chest/delt, the wait must still vanish.

I would cut back on some fat food, fo strick like BB 4-6 weeks from a show. Just for a time to get a feel for the weight reduction. You will drop some power, but that should come back fast. I did cardio too and had more joint problems then fat reduction. Try some of the Xenadren caps to begin the fat buring.

Damn serious front delts man. But you will need some rear to balance the shoulders out.
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