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IGF1-LR3 and cutting


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I've recently been taking IGF1-LR3 that I purchased through a friend who I trust. It came in 4 vials with powder in it and the way I was told to take it worked out to be 100mcg pre workout. I have been taking a little over half what I was told as this was my understanding through my own research. Let me tell you.. 50-60mcg of this stuff is ridiculous. I have never sweat so much while working out on this stuff than from taking anything else. More than tren which I've used 100mg eod for 6 weeks and more than clen which I've pyramided up to 140-160mcg. Has anyone else experienced this ridiculous sweating and hunger pains with lr3? I'm 6ft just under 200lbs and about 8% body fat.
are u eating lots of carbs right before you pin or right after?? IGF1 needs carbs, lots of them. eat a big carb meal, pin 10 min later. goto workout, while working out sip a pro/carb drink. Come home and eat 20g fast & 50g slow carbs. than watch the growth happen
I was always hungry on my IGF1LR3 cycles. I had to eat every two hours.
I'm eating 1 cup of rice and a banana, about 60g of carbs pre workout. Pinning 30mins before I train. Sipping bcaas throughout workout. Post workout wpi then go home to 250g steak or turkey with a massive salad. I always feel fine just insanely hungry and I sweat ridiculously. Tough drug to use while cutting.
I'm eating 1 cup of rice and a banana, about 60g of carbs pre workout. Pinning 30mins before I train. Sipping bcaas throughout workout. Post workout wpi then go home to 250g steak or turkey with a massive salad. I always feel fine just insanely hungry and I sweat ridiculously. Tough drug to use while cutting.

yea, thats ideal. you want the post wo meal to have a decent amount of carbs tho.
Karbolyte is good too. 50g carbs tasteless powder.

I have question... How did you mix ya igf? I have distilled white vinegar and bac water. But cant refrigerate . Can I use just the white vinegar?
My igf came with acetic acid which is what I mixed it with. From what I've read that's the best way to do it.
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