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How possible to gain 15-20lbs off this cycle?

I would add whey protein to every meal, in addition to the poultry. 40/30/30 diet. 40% calories from protein, 30 from carbs, 30 from fat. 6:1 omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio. This usually means popping a ridiculous amount of fish oil pills (each one of my walmart brand only has 300mg). I take 3-6pill with every meal (in addition to natty pb). I would also take a dextrose shake of 50-75grams after workout to spike insulin, along with the normal post workout meal. I would also take 2 tablespoons of that natty pb at every meal (I do just that). Some think adding fat to the diet makes you fat, opposite is true if done right. It gets your body into fat burning mode. With this advice your calories will be higher, but I think with the gear you are taking it will all go to lean muscle synthesis. Also make sure you're getting the RDA of potassium and the other minerals. It shocked me that the RDA is almost 5 grams of potassium. I use potassium gluconate powder.

I've gained 25lbs off sustanon alone, 1 month into my 2 month cycle with the tweaks listed above.
Alright, so I decided to break down this cycle and do a Tren/Prop cycle. This is my first time using tren and I thought I would get some feedback on this. I know my diet is going to have to be in check and also my workouts.... BTW I have juiced in two years.

Currently 6' 195lbs now

1-4 40mg dbol
1-8 100mg Tren Ace EOD
1-8 100mg Test prop EOD

Meal 1 = 8:00 A.M.
- 8 egg whites (0/3/28) 131 cals
- 1 Cup Dry Oatmeal (5/51/12) 291 cals
- 1/4 Cup Sugar Free Syrup (0/7/0) 25 cals
- 1/4 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/3/2) 21 cals
- Multivitamin

Post-Workout = 10:15 A.M.
- 2 Servings AI Protein (1/2/48) 204 Cals
- 1/4 Cup Dry Oatmeal (1/13/3) 73 Cals
- 2 Tbsp Dextrose (0/19/0) 73 Cals
- 1 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/12/8) 86 Cals

Meal 2 = 1:30 P.M.
- 8 oz Chicken Breast (5/0/44) 236 Cals
- 3 oz Whole Wheat Pasta (1/59/12) 274 Cals
- 1.5 Cup Broccoli (0/8/4) 41 Cals

Meal 3 = 4:30 P.M.
- 8 oz Chicken Breast (5/0/44) 236 Cals
- 1 Medium Sweetpotato (4/28/2) 152 Cals
- 1 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/12/8) 86 Cals

Meal 4 = 7:30 P.M.
- 1 Whole Wheat Bagel (1/46/9) 216 Cals
- 1 Tbsp Natty PB (8/3/4) 210 Cals
- 1 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/12/8) 86 Cals

Meal 5 = 9:30 P.M.
- 2 Servings Cereal (6/28/20) 202 Cals
- 1.5 Cup Fat Free Milk (1/18/13) 128 Cals
- 1 Tbsp Flax Oil (14/0/0) 125 Cals

Meal 6 = 11:30 P.M.
- 1.5 Cups Fat Free CC (3/9/42) 245 Cals
- 1 Tbsp Natty PB (8/3/4) 105 Cals

Totals: (66F/354C/313P) 3199 Cals

Im might change the fat free milk to 2% so it should add into the cal/fat intake..BTW I stole this meal plan. Input would be greatly appreciated...

I'll just address the meals in bold. I see this often and it's a complete contradiction. First off, egg yolk completes the protein balance in an egg. Removing them makes the egg less potent. Also, the fats on egg yolks are very anabolic, as well as a factor in producing natural hormones. So, in a sense, you're throwing away an opportunity at muscle growth. (Incidentally, BIG BLAST uses WHOLE EGG as one of its protein sources for that reason).

Secondly, I never got the big deal about oatmeal. It's okay. But it's essentially a starchy carb. There's nothing special about it, nor is it a big boost to muscle growth.

Thirdly, you avoid sugar, then you add dextrose, which is, pure and simply -- sugar.

Just an example of how people have taken conflicting opinions and contradictory advice and try to do the right thing and just wind up fighting against their own progress.
diet is way too clean to gain that much the only time I've ever gained 20 lbs on cycle I was downing whole milk, cookies, brownies & peanut butter and ice cream like no other high fat and carb puts on weight way better then high protein and on tren and test prop fat gain shouldnt be a problem
Appreciate all the advice! Im still waiting on the caber to start the cycle. I uped my intake on fat and cals... I should be around 4-4500 cals pers day now...still a clean diet..

Ive always gained 15-25lbs on each cycle I do. This is my first time using legit tren so lets see how this goes!
Dam bro if you are managing to gain 15-20 Lbs per cycle thats pretty dam good dude.
The only thing I have to add is I do hope you will log it for us!
Best regards man.
Dam bro if you are managing to gain 15-20 Lbs per cycle thats pretty dam good dude.
The only thing I have to add is I do hope you will log it for us!
Best regards man.

If I have all my AI's, my diet is in check, and my workouts are on point then I can gain that. I dont usually cycle but once a year if that now..
Don't forget your pct and oct from chemicalneed. Get some prami, nolvadex, letro and some exemestane. I would also get some hcg. TrenA can hit hard. I do a mixture of TrenE and TrenA and about the 3rd or 4th day after the shot, BAM!, but not so bad as to make me stop. But very predictable.
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