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first cycle in around a month


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I have decided to do my very first cycle in around a month. I am going to use deca and sust. Currently 5'7" 160lbs bf% is under 10 turning 21 pretty soon. By then I hope to be atleast 165. The cycle I am planning is stacking deca and sust. I haven't decided on exact amount probably around 200mg of each per week. Is there anything else i should add. Also still don't know read alot but not sure which anti-e should i keep on hand just in case. I also plan on getting some milk thistle and plenty of cranberry juice during the cycle for the liver and kidneys.
you've done some reading, but you may wanna do a little bit more. You'll probably want to bump the deca and sust up a little. The sust usually comes in 250mg amps so youll wanna inject in increments of 250. I would use 500mg/wk of sust if I were you. The deca, I would do atleast 300mg. These are just my opinions but I think your gains would be much better.

I would say put on some more weight naturally first.

But Khemix is right, you'll definately want the sust at 500/wk.
A lot of places i looked at said that 500 was a bit much for a first cycle and that i should be able to get decent results using around 250. I agree that 200 is low i actually ment to type in 250. But if you guys recommend me doing 500 and 300 ill do it. Any other opinions? Should i add anything else or do this complement each other well enough for a first cycle? should i keep clomid on hand?
no need to take both deca and sust for your first cycle. you weigh 160, i advise 300/400 mg sust a week split up in two injections(mon 150mg thur 150mg) , just pull your dose into the rig and pull the remainder into another one. keep some nolva on hand and do a search on clomid and make your own decision on that one. i cant imagine why anyone would think at 160lbs you would need 800mg of gear a week for your first cycle.
definatly drop the deca maybe run 250mg sust a week and 20-25mg dbol everyday for the first 4 weeks

if you eat right and have everything dialed in you will get good results. just my opinion
I'm starting my first cycle in a couple of weeks, Sust 250 every 4 days and 25mg dbol ed first 4 weeks. I've done mass hours of research and that seems to be a good first cycle. So from my research only, I'd say you're ok to drop the deca and go sust only.
keep us informed.
My stats are very similar to yours and I started a test only cycle at 300 mg a week three weeks ago. I'm up about twelve pounds so far and my strength is through the roof. Don't get me wrong, its all water and I look like a balloon. But I'd say just judging from that it is more than enough gear for me. So along with everyone else I would say drop the deca.
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