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First Cycle - Advise needed


New member

I am thinking about doing the following cycle in November time this year but need a bit of advice.

This would be my first cycle but like all newbies (to steroids, not training) I don't wanna inject.

Week 1-6 - 30mg dianabol
week 4-8 - Winstrol Tablets
Week 8 - 10 - Nolvadex

Some info on me I am 23yo 5ft 11"tall 12st 6lb been training for3 years now. Weight has increased from 10st 2lb to 12st 6lb. I have not gained any for the past 4 months - beginning to get pissed off with it now!

Does this sound ok to you guys?
How much Winstol should I take each day?
Do you think the cycle is a bit long for an oral?
What doseage of Nolvadex should I run?

thanks for your help and guidance
sounds like a disasterous cycle imo. try an injectable with one of those two will be posting about liver/kidney pains in about 2 weeks if you run that stack i guarenatee it. if anything run winny solo

why no injects? dont wanna feel like a drug user?
Nothing to do with wanting to feel like a drug user just shit scared of needles!

Everything that I have read about winny suggests that it is not very anabolic more of a hardening and conditioning steroid. Do you not agree?

Would Winny on its own be beneficial?
believe me needles dont hurt, if you want rub an ice cbue over inject spot for 5 minutes and then slide the nice oily pin in, i swear you wont feel a thing. it gets easier, and easier, and easier....
Dont Worry ,youre Not The Only One Whos Scared Of The Pin.but After Reading Up On 17aa Orals Iv Talked My Self Into It .
georgie24 said: will be posting about liver/kidney pains in about 2 weeks if you run that stack i guarenatee it.

that's a little overkill, but he's semi-right. You dont wanna run and oral only cycle. Get some test and don't be a pussy about needles. Georgie is right, they don't hurt at all.
Bro, the needles don't hurt at all. If they scare you, have someone else shoot you. I gaurantee after the first shot, you will do them all yourself. Not to mention, you will want to run injectables after you get a taste of aas. Just do it right the first time. Go get baseline blood work first.
markdobsonhill said:
Nothing to do with wanting to feel like a drug user just shit scared of needles!

Everything that I have read about winny suggests that it is not very anabolic more of a hardening and conditioning steroid. Do you not agree?

Would Winny on its own be beneficial?

Never been afraid of needles, but thought it would hurt like a bitch to do it myself, but I felt nothing. Plus if you want something bad enough you must learn to get over the various fears, that goes with anything in life.

You need to add an injectable like test and drop the dbol to only 3-4 weeks. I found dbol did nothing after 3 weeks, but increased the painful back pumps! From dbol you will gain your weight vary rapidly usually in the first 2 weeks then you will need an injectable like test/EQ or test/deca to solidify your gains and continue improving on them. I stopped dbol after the first 21 days and plan on starting it again for another 21 days starting week 10 for I read that dbol is more effective and provides more solid muscle gains when placed in a rich anabolic environment, so the way I see it, by week 10 between test, EQ and tren, the environment should be perfect, but hey it's just an experiment and if I see something good come out of it then great, I found something that works for me!
I thought i wouldnt like sticking a pin in my arm but the ends justify the means in my opinion so just bite the bullet and dont be a pussy!

Dont bother with ice cubes just do it! Slap the skin a bit to numb it, if you start to get doubts as your about to stick it, just think of the gains. :evil:
I would never combine two 17aa drugs at the same time, unless you don't think your liver is important to you...
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