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carlsuen's SF 5x5 journal

yeah.. felt good this time round with the help of whey.. felt it made a lot of difference energy wise and recovery wise.. gonna get to week 11(that's when i get 130kg on my squat) and deload.. then i'll start to lose some of the fat hanging on my belly and ass.. clean up diet and up cardio.. want to give my joints some rest from heavy stuff and do some high rep work..

i've noticed for some time my socket(i don't know what they are called) on my left arm are really weak.. like when i do OHPs.. the weight always seem to lean towards the left.. and one time it rotated in the opposite direction when i locked out.. i could also feel it being weak on my bench too.. and that's one of the major reasons y i can't improve on my bench too.. it always feels so hard on my left arm.. and when i stretch my tris overhead.. i have to take care to slowly raise my arm over my head and reach towards my back and really stretching it..

gonna try and fix it.. any suggestions to strengthen that area?
those shoulder presses as seen in the video i posted will help with your shoulder girdle and upper back stability. they will hurt a bit at first, but they are well worth the pain. just tag them into your friday workouts and do 5x5 at the end. don't go crazy on that exercise, i've never used over 40kg.

good job on the squat PR.
yeah.. i saw that vid.. good job btw.. i'll start using that... i think i'll put them in my 2nd day instead.. since i'm not planning on setting PRs on my military presses yet.. i'll practice them tomorrow..

wow.. u've never used more than 40kg? i can only imagine it being very hard.. but we'll see..

thx SR..
well, i only recommend that you put it on the friday because it will toast your shoulders and upper back, possibly affecting your bench - espeically true if you are not conditioned to do it.

but then again, my coach likes to have a little fun with us sometimes and have us do 5x5 seated presses before full snatch :) (similar to the time we had to backsquat 90% ish and then full snatch 80%+)
hmmm.. as long as it doesn't affect my deads after that.. i'm happy.. bench isn't my priority now.. thx anyway SR..
week 7 day 2 (thursday) 31/8/06 MERDEKA!!

front squats

military press



abwork on swissball
2x10x10lbs DB
10x15lbs DB

nothing special today.. everything's normal.. decided not to do any PRs.. i was gonna go 135kg but decided not to.. gonna give it another week or 2 first.. i have weak legs.. i always straigten my legs early on and use my back to pull the weight later.. will try to fix this..

saw a funny sight.. as i was warming up on my second set of deads at 80kg.. i noticed this guy watching me from behind but didn't care less as i'm used to ppl staring at me when i work out.. so i go to put on 100kg.. and then i went for a sip.. when i came back, my buddy told me that this same guy went to try to deadlift my weight off the floor while i was going for a sip and obviously he couldn't make it and said :"whoa mahai! damn fucking heavy!" and went to do other stuff.. just needed the entertainment.. hehe.. :lol:
How does everyone feel on the Power Clean vs Row? I noticed alot of people have switched out PC for Row, why is this?
the row directly works your upper back and lats.. more for gaining size IMO.. PC is more of a speed work and technique.. it's fun to me..
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