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carlsuen's SF 5x5 journal

thx jim.. it's not actually an injury.. i wouldn't categorize it as that yet.. i would say a really weak joint for me..

yeah i feel confident enough in the rack.. but i have a really weak core.. last sets of the fronts although are not that hard.. but i find that my legs come up first and i tend to lean forward a bit and consciously pulling back before lockout.. and i have to consciously keep my body posture as straight and feel like i'm front squatting backwards so that i don't let the weight pull me forwards.. i'm working hard on strengthening the abs.. i think i'll throw in more volume for abwork.. will add from 2 times a week to 3 times a week at the end of every session..
carlsuen said:
i could have gotten it from my bench too.. my form would sometimes break on the last rep or 2 and i'd have to really grind the weight up which sometimes puts me in weird position..
my bet is that it started out here and just got aggravated whatever you did after that.

t happened to me on my right delt a few weeks ago... i was doing a 10x10 german vol training... on the last few reps of the last few sets, fatigue REALLY began to set in and even though it was a light weight which i'd normally be able to put up real easy, it was a grind to get the bar up. form didn't break down, just my shoulder lol. i took 2 weeks off from the gym to let it heal... it's fine now. sometimes you just have to make that tough decision now so that it doesn't become more serious later.

something you might also consider when you bench is how wide your grip is... lifting raw demands a narrower grip.

PS: here's a confession - while doing the GVT i didn't want to get "pinned" under a lighter weight and ended up pushing when i could have just rested the bar for a little and then pushed :p

yeap.. i know what u mean.. but i finally found out the reason why i was hurting and it's becuz i press BTN which screwed up my RCs i think.. it's the only reason that i could think of..

i bench with the 2nd finger on the rings.. but since last week i brought it narrower to 4th or 3rd finger.. will try for pinky finger soon..
carlsuen said:
lol dude.. i didn't quite get your post on hand posture man!??!! i'm confused.. hehe.. regarding the massages? what did u have in mind? also, i only know of a few RC stretches.. but i'd like to know more of cuz.. and The Shadow posted a good article in another thread about RC's and overhead lifting too.. but i'd like to find something to help me strengthen it and get rid of the pain..

i've had it for like 2 months max.. could be from my push pressing.. i was push pressing 70++kg while i can only OHP 50kg.. i have a very weak upper body strength.. my bench sucks too.. i could have gotten it from my bench too.. my form would sometimes break on the last rep or 2 and i'd have to really grind the weight up which sometimes puts me in weird position..

which is why i'm backing out from OHPs and bench till i get micro plates.. :( really bumbed about this.. They are all great articles on posture. I have really only gone through the first 3, so the other 2 might be helpful but I got the info on the first few. In number 3 they have pictures of a guy with his shoulders rounded which would mean his palms face more toward behind him than to his body. lol i probably don't make too much sense, but you can just skim around mostly the 2nd and 3rd ones to check out your shoulders that I know of.
didn't lift on saturday as i was feeling too beat up.. lower back was killing me so i gave it a rest.. will push for 125kg anyway tomorrow and see what i'll get..

will come up with a new layout based on the 5x5 principle with box squats included..
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