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The Ultimate Diet to Get Ripped while Maintaing Muscle.

Re: Re: Re: update....

Tha One CrumCake said:


She is a GIRL dude. Don't worry i've made the same mistake Many times.

At least we didn't make that mistake in the Sack. LoL.

Rez, Listen you'll lose the Fat, just do the modified version to the T. and Do your cardio. Something MUST be missing , or you must not be doing something right. In a week or so you should be NOTICIABLY leaner if you are following it to the T.

Mirror is ALWAYS the truth. Just dont' use the mirrors in the Gym, after Everywork out it looks like I've gained 15lbs of muscle when I use the mirrors at the gym......I love em.

Jesus..I am a dumbass. I could've at least read a few more posts instead of just dropping in.

rez said:
well before this diet..i was getting in less than 25g carbs per day - including green veg! no food before w/out, and much higher fat. so...mayby ive just stuffed my body up way to many times, damage is irraversable

haha i dont know..

My fiancee has the same problem. Well actually it just developed. She is a vegetarian and generally eats clean and is attentive to her diet. She also runs marathons. During her first 2 marathons she was 120. She took a few months off and started training again. Well she'd gained 25lbs and couldn't shed any of it. Zero.

She had started taking Zoloft (about the same time she took a break from running and she went back on the pill too) and we think that fucked her metabolism. A lot of people report SSRI or MAOI meds cause them to gain weight, but the drug companies don't list it as a side effect. She's been off both meds for a few months and she is finally losing weight. She was running 35 miles/wk at one point and wasn't loosing shit.

So are you taking any drugs at all? This could be an issue.

She might have just been doing too much cardio. Although I don't doubt that those drugs did have something to do with it.
acer290 said:
She might have just been doing too much cardio. Although I don't doubt that those drugs did have something to do with it.

All I'm gonna say is too much cardio would make her lean.

My guess is that her metabolism (rez's) is could be messed up from continual dieting. I have no clue, but I have seen this with others. And I don't mean good dieting-I mean stupid super duper calorie restrictive diets, all cabbage diets, etc...Fad diets basically. Again rez, my apologies in advance, but this is just a theory.

It is perfectly conceiveable that rez has had a nice clean diet and hasn't done a single radical diet ever and her body just doesn't respond like we think it should.

My fiancee got screwed by fuckin script drugs. Hopefully her doc will give her some T3 (I keep telling her that's what she needs) to jump start the ole metabolism. This just means I get T3 also.


Too much cardio...come on acer u know better than that.

I know, I couldn't help myself. Sorry.

But, at the same time, if all that cardio actually did make her leaner, it wouldn't be a good lean, it would be a "hey look at me everyone, i've got no muscle, and i lost weight, but of course I have the same fat percentage as before, hey who wants to go have some rice cakes on me!" kind of lean. Like that guy who did the Subway diet thing. Was his name Jared?

Although, you do have a point. Hey we should start a whole thread just to rant on that guy Jared.

Oh, update on this diet. I think I'm gonna start drinking more protein shakes. I can barely fit all this chicken/ steak/ eggs/ everything else into my stomach and I eat from 8 am till 12 pm at night, non stop.
acer290 said:

Although, you do have a point. Hey we should start a whole thread just to rant on that guy Jared.

I agree. That Fool. I mean shit though, I can't reallly be upset, since he did lose 300lbs or someshit, You got to give him his props for that.

But man, he was like 420 fucking lbs, That means, at LEAST, at the VERY LEAST , say he was at 50 FUCKING PERCENT BODYFAT!, tHAT would mean he had approximately 210lbs of Solid Muscle on him.

Just think, if he had gone on a bodybuilding type program, he would have Turned out to be ONE RIPPED MO FUCKA, HUGE AND CUT. But nope, tha monkey chose to eat 6" veggies sandwhiches twice a day. LoL.
i know that you should be only eating veggies for food
but can I eat peanut butter as a fat source with
my protein? its just that it would kill my sugar cravings
and help out at the same time, or does it contain too much sugary carbs? i know its a staplr in some cutting diets can it be in yours too? Iv'e read all the replies on this thread and maybe I missed this question and answer so bare with me.
My End Over Mad her said:
i know that you should be only eating veggies for food
but can I eat peanut butter as a fat source with
my protein? its just that it would kill my sugar cravings
and help out at the same time, or does it contain too much sugary carbs? i know its a staplr in some cutting diets can it be in yours too? Iv'e read all the replies on this thread and maybe I missed this question and answer so bare with me.

I would avoid p.b. Just Fuck it. Cold turkey that mother.
It's a combo of Fat and Carbs, therefore it's not on this diet.

Sure it's a Healthy food if you get "Natural P.b." but, if you are on this program, then NO p.b.

Tha only time you can have it is maybe 1/4 of a teaspoon just to let it soak up in your tongue.
Fuck that, I eat like 4 tablespoons a day while on this diet. I am a natural peanut butter addict. Plus, some of the carbs are fibrous and there aren't many in the first palce.

But, you do have a good point about not eating them.
acer290 said:
Fuck that, I eat like 4 tablespoons a day while on this diet. I am a natural peanut butter addict. Plus, some of the carbs are fibrous and there aren't many in the first palce.

But, you do have a good point about not eating them.

Acer you are a Fool, you are a peanut butter eating FooooL.

LoL. Just messin, That's cool, Just Don't eat All 4 tablespoons at once. If you are going to do it, then space them out.

Keep up tha good work.

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