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The Ultimate Diet to Get Ripped while Maintaing Muscle.

Well yes I am a fool. I just can't control myself.

Its's the same with almonds. My grandma keeps sending me these damn home dry roasted almonds and sure their good for me, but not when I eat a whole bag of them in one sitting. I just can't stop.

Oh, and have I told you about fiber? I'm addicted to orange flavored Metamucil. I eat it like candy.

So, anyway, a little update on this diet. I was was eating the full amount of 2 * bodyweight in protein, etc. but wasn't losing any fat. So I took off about 300 cals. from the diet and now I'm doing just great.

Oh, and if anybody is trying beyond failure training- I'm in my second week and I love it- i'll post results after the sixth week.

And mother! Yeah, so there. Go cry in the corner. Just remember to take some stak and flax with ya.
acer290 said:

Oh, and if anybody is trying beyond failure training- I'm in my second week and I love it- i'll post results after the sixth week.

I would ALWAYS train like this. Then On several message boards, magazines, etc. all these popsicle eating bastards fucked with my Brain and I started to listen to their "Training to failure everytime is the Worst thing you can do" "Make sure you don't train to failure all the time, once a week is good enough" "Bla bla bla training to failure is bad bla bla bla".


I stopped making all Gains tha very day I stopped training not just to failure, but beyond failure.

Training BEYOND failure is the greatest thing. Destroying the Muscle thus FORCING it to grow back bigger, badder and stronger. Just make sure you are taking in your 1.5-2grms of Protein.
And the pumps! Oooo Betsy Lou, let me tell you, even with out all the carbs I get better pumps from this than ever before. "Isolation of different parts of the muscle" - fuck that, this gets the whole thing in one shibang.

My only problem so far is that when using the machines, my partner has a hard time spotting me becuase I can barely move the weight at the end.

For all those naysayers of this routine, I say give it a go at least for a couple of weeks.

Update on the diet: Definitely had a carb up this evening along with a fatenning up for X-mas dinner with the friends and family.

Will be back on track tomorrow. This should give my thyroid a good boost. back!

heya back from my holiday...
just wanted to tell you how I went without gym and protein shakes.. : ))

first day was hard!! my metabolisnm was still fast because ide excersied the day eating only 3 meals killed me! but thats all we had time for, as we were travelling and i was NOT prtepared to have mcdonalds, just because i was hungry...i know it was bad...but all other meals had high pro and good fish and salads etc

second day decided to buy almonds and walnuts to snack on so not to let myself get too hungry between meals...worked pretty well.

by the 3rd day, my metabolism had slowed down, as i wasnt rea;lly doing that much excerise so i could cope with not having so many meals per day. I also decided to go 'keto' because i can have very few carbs anyway - i have a reaction to most grains. so my meals were mainly pro and fats. eg

breakfast- 1/2 grapefruit, 2 poached eggs

mid morning - almonds

lunch - chicken/fish and salad

afternoon - nuts

dinner - fish and salad the end it was fine..and i could go the day with hardly any carbs - 3hrs in between meals with no problems.

i just think my body works best with fats and pro. I know when i followed crums diet - i was always hungry after the pro/carb meals and full after the pro/fat meals.

i have lost a bit of weight : ( down to 47kg... i look lean, but i still have my curves! that im back..have trained twice and training intense cardio focusing on weights.

have kept my meals to 1 pro/carb meal after training. the rest are pro and fats. Maybe too much fat in my diet...but i reckon my body works well with it...

how is every1 else going....
First of all this is easily the longest post ever! I sat down at work and read ever-single line on all 9 pages to insure I would not ask a jackass question.

All I want to know, is there any repercussions to sustaining a diet of this caliber for more then the allotted 8-week period. I would like to be able to make a diet into a way of life more then an 8-week binge.

PS - Impressive posts CrumCake
Jats REMEMBER, the original version is only for people who are already in good shape, who want to get Shredded. I'm not saying it won't work for the out-of-shape but It's main purpose is to get you that ripped look, therefore 8 weeks, should be it, 10 if you're at 13-15%. But try to finish it all up in 8 weeks. Or try the modified version for the first 8 weeks, then the original plan for the next 8, that should rip you up pretty damn nicely.

The MODIFIED plan would BE TOTALLY PERFECT as a lifestyle nutritional plan. Even though it can still be used to achieve that ripped look as well, it'll just take longer that's all.

Basically do not mix fat and carbs ever and you are set for Life.
Walkin around bein Healthy, Fit and Strong.

Good luck
Oh, fear not, i already am in good shape but i need to shred a bit before rugby season (235 isn't good for a 6'1 open side flanker)
How much light mayo do I use in meal 3 of the modified plan?
Why do you allow fat and carbs in this meal?
How much fat can someone lose on this plan in 8 weeks?
kara said:
How much light mayo do I use in meal 3 of the modified plan?
Why do you allow fat and carbs in this meal?
How much fat can someone lose on this plan in 8 weeks?

Fat and carbs aren't being combined. Light mayo has maybe 3 grams of fat, and only 2 grams of carbs, if that. This is not considered mixing fat and carbs.

You can lose 1-2 of FAT a week, if your on perfect point.
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