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Someone please explain how Zimmerman can be tried by the Fed?

If the police chief is forced to resign for not arresting him, the FBI clears him of any racial bias, a jury finds him not guilty of not only murder but manslaughter, theres a pretty good chance he werent supposed to be arrested in the first place.

this is according to law, not knee jerk emotion.

If we are going down the path of a nation controlled by emotion instead of reason and law, weve got much bigger problems.
If we are going down the path of a nation controlled by emotion instead of reason and law, weve got much bigger problems.

that's how liberal work broski, just look at how they approach gun control, all emotion - no facts.
I've talked on twitter and facebook over the Darius Simmins murder (in Milwaukee) since the shooting. The mother witnessed her son get shot multiple times by this idiot ( who was found GUILTY of first drgree murder. ) He decides to shoot the kid over his stolen guns. The police decided to ransack Patricia Larry's house looking for the stolen guns. They didnt find them the first time when they were reported stolen, decide to search again while the kid is dead in the street. So I personally rebuked Milkaukee police for them basically taking sides with a murderer

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1. I dont believe the initial investigation was thorough especially on the profiling aspect. The community complained about blacks breaking in houses. But when a body is laying dead in the grass, race all of a sudden has nothing to do with it.

2. The blood evidence on GZ or Trayvon was not complete. Since they basically let GZ go due to stand your ground, he didnt get a medical exam then.

3. The gun was dusted for prints.. Thats old school. There are new ways to find prints that are more accurate. Not to mention the entire gun was not searched.

4. The stand your ground law needs to be repealed. Theres a case in Phoenix where a hispanic Daniel adkins was shot by a black guy Jude. Jude says adkins swung a pipe at his car. When the police get there... no pipe. He still did not get arrested..... IMHO these investigations initially arent being handled. Anyway, Daniel Adkins's folks are still looking for justice and they havent gotten any press attention.

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