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Someone please explain how Zimmerman can be tried by the Fed?


Chairman Member
I must be missing something because the FBI already cleared Zimmerman of any racially biased motives. Now Atty General Holder wants to go after him for civil rights violations. From what I understand zimmerman could not have violated anyones civil rights because he was not acting in any governmental capacity when he interacted with martin (i.e. zimmerman was not a cop or government employee using his position to violate anyones rights)
This is simply an individual killing another individual in self defense (trial by jury verdict not guilty) with no racial bias for any hate crime (FBI investigated and cleared him. The FBI is a Federal Government agency, not state or local).

So just what the fuck is Holder doing with this besides violating zimmermans right to not be in double jeapardy?
It's his prerogative to charge Zimmerman with a hate crime. Zimmerman not acting in "any governmental capacity" has nothing to do with it.

For what its worth, I dont think he will end up bringing charges and I dont think its a good idea for him to, either.
Im just waiting for the NRA to come out and say that if Trayvon was armed he might still be alive. :(
there was a racial hate crime committed... when zimmerman was called a cracker and was attacked, he was a victim of a hate crime racially motivated..
It's his prerogative to charge Zimmerman with a hate crime. Zimmerman not acting in "any governmental capacity" has nothing to do with it.

For what its worth, I dont think he will end up bringing charges and I dont think its a good idea for him to, either.

FBI investigated and cleared him of racial bias. I guess Holder doesnt recognize the FBI as a credible investigative agency of his own government.
Im just waiting for the NRA to come out and say that if Trayvon was armed he might still be alive. :(

They won't cause that's not who the NRA wants to be armed. Everyone up here in Canada thinks that guy goaded that kid into a physical altercation so he could use his gun. If Zimmerman had been required to open carry, the kid would have walked away. But he hid the fact he was carrying and started some shit that the kid rightly clipped his skates out for. If you're gonna walk around acting like a policeman than you ought to be open that you're packing. A neighborhood watchman should be able to observe and follow a 90 year old woman walking a poodle if he thinks she's up to fucking off. But all cards have to be on the table. Otherwise you're a weird prick fuck following people for no apparent reason. YOu can't take away people's right to watch their own neighborhoods, and if they carry they carry..but it's got to be out in the open or you have some right shit go down.
Didn't Zimmerman call Trayvon a "coon" while on the 911 call? That's probably where Holder got the idea, but I doubt he'd follow through with it.

On a related note: Fuck yo Federal Gov't.
it's repulsive to me that the federal government spends/expends vast amounts of money/resources on things like the steroids-in-baseball debacle, the michael vick illegal dog-fighting case and george-mother-fucking-zimmerman while there are under-equipped u.s. soldiers bleeding on the sand in the middle east...the baseball investigation was a complete fucking embarrassment and the other two cases?? the states where those acts were committed were perfectly capable of handling that shit themselves...lets make the federal government a little bigger mr. obama??? :rolleyes:
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