Close Grip BB Bench
Seated Tricep Ext Machine FM
Seated Lateral Raise Machine LF
Seated Preacher Curl Machine Hammer Grip FM
Ab Crunch Machine
Recumbant Bike
Pretty strong day today considering I'm off cycle and just cruising 150mg Test Cyp. Can really feel the lack of recovery being off everything. Have some pretty severe tendonitis rearing its ugly head again in my elbow. Hoping it doesn't travel all the way down my arm into the shoulder. If I was on HGH I bet it wouldnt even happen. Still not sure if I will keep the weight the same next week and up reps by another to sets of 7 on close grip. Will play it by how things feel. I see no point in increasing weight and might just be better to keep weight at 295 and go up each week until I hit 5 sets of 10 or even more. Ok everyone have a nice weekend and get Strong AF!!!
Had another easy squat session today. Could have done sets of 8-10 it felt easy and fast explosive reps out of the hole. Will go up 20 lbs next week and see how I feel. The plan is to go easy and hold back until I start my cycle and training for the powerlifting meet which is first week of May. Training cycle begins Feb 15th or therabouts. Ok everyone have a strong week ahead!!!
Had another easy squat session today. Could have done sets of 8-10 it felt easy and fast explosive reps out of the hole. Will go up 20 lbs next week and see how I feel. The plan is to go easy and hold back until I start my cycle and training for the powerlifting meet which is first week of May. Training cycle begins Feb 15th or therabouts. Ok everyone have a strong week ahead!!!
Had another easy squat session today. Could have done sets of 8-10 it felt easy and fast explosive reps out of the hole. Will go up 20 lbs next week and see how I feel. The plan is to go easy and hold back until I start my cycle and training for the powerlifting meet which is first week of May. Training cycle begins Feb 15th or therabouts. Ok everyone have a strong week ahead!!!
Had another easy squat session today. Could have done sets of 8-10 it felt easy and fast explosive reps out of the hole. Will go up 20 lbs next week and see how I feel. The plan is to go easy and hold back until I start my cycle and training for the powerlifting meet which is first week of May. Training cycle begins Feb 15th or therabouts. Ok everyone have a strong week ahead!!!