Wednesday December 13 2023
I hope everyone is well as we gear up towards Xmas, I've been checking my email daily for tracking updates, I know I won't have any for a little while yet, my excitement is at a high level anticipating my para pharma arriving

so I check anyway because it amps me up for the day.
This will be my first go around with an oral so fingers crossed we respond well in any case I'm keeping it at 6 weeks so I can play it safe, I will be deploying N2Guard which I need to pick up still, no way would I not deploy the best supplement on the market while on an oral, or in any case really its a fantastic product when u read the ingredients.
I also know for a fact that 200mg/ml primo isn't going to feel pleasant lol, I did what I needed to do and well if I don't try it I won't know right ? Pip incoming heavy I know that much lol.
Test E damn near the same as cyp that I got in the 400mg/ml easier to split the dosage which shocker is 400mg a week, I am unclear how I will respond or if it will make a difference as highest I've run is 250mg a week. Hell I might even be able to get away with 300-350 a week.
Aromasin should be interesting compared to Arimidex as it doesn't negatively impact the hdl as much or as hard as Arimidex does, something lighter and easier on the system is welcome in my book only draw back is the half life which I see why some guys dose a little heavier either way we will try 12.5mg a week and see how it goes if I got to up it we do if not great.
I fully expect to see some very good endurance buffs with weights and cardio with the compound selection for this cycle which is one of the things I wanted so I could push harder and past limitations within reason and not going crazy and getting hurt.
Enjoy the update everyone!
Bicep curl
Bicep side curl
25lb plate single arm curls
Single arm cable curls
Single arm curl machine
Tricep push down machine
Tricep extension machine
Rope push down
Single arm cable extensions
Ezbar skull crusher
resistance Training ( 45 minutes)
Cardio Uphill walking ( 45 minutes)
Incline 10.0
Speed 3.0
Miles walked 2.15
Calories burned 371