So after my run tonight I can say that even at this dose Tren will affect cardio if you are not paying attention to what and when you eat. I mentioned in a previous post that a week or two ago when I experimented a bit with gonig low carb that my runs crashed and I experienced the cardio sensatons I've heard others mention they had with Tren. The last two weekends I was able to put in 15 and 17 miles respectively on the trails with no impact whatsoever. For each of the four runs over those two weekends I carbed up about an hour before the runs (typically a bowl of oatmeal an hour before with 2 Tbs of peanut butter, a 32 ounce G2 and a banana). All four runs went flawlessly.
Today I ate over the course of the day and included carbs in all my meals. However, when I went to do my run it had been a couple of hours (2.5-3) since my last meal and that meal had only included about 35-40g of carbs. The run definitely suffered.
It feels (and I know that's a tricky word to use but the only one I can think of that applies here) like the tren will use up any carbs left in my system for more than an hour or two and the result is me crashing on the run. If I've loaded up on carbs shortly before the run I can go endlessly - did 12 miles on Saturday. I just need to adjust my meal planning and training accordingly.