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Newbee pic...critiques welcome


New member
21 years old..5 foot 8 188 lbs..I got some mass but I really want to cut up and get the v shape to my body..I need to start that ketosis thing but anyways heres my what i eat mon-thursday

4:45 am--3 packets of instant oatmeal with two pieces of toast

8:00 am--one peanut butter and jelly sandwich no wheat bread

9:00 am--one peanut butter and jelly sandwich no wheat bread

11:00 am--one yoplait yogurt--1.5grams of fat, 5 grams of protein
and 35grams of carbs! and a small cup of apple sauce
not sure on what it has

12:00 p.m.--i mix about two cups of rice, with one cutup chicken
breast with about a tablespoon of cream of chicken
with some chopped up veges..its good- and a protein

for a picture go here

2:00 p.m.--one fruit cup--0 fat, 0 protein, 15grams of carbs!

3:00 p.m.--creatine

5:00 p.m.-- go to the gym--10 minutes of cardio

7:00 p.m--eat a chicken breast

My picture is attached

I am not anything now but creatine and maybe gonna get some nytrotech
JUNK FOOD! Its killing your gains, cuts, etc.

You shouldbe hitting 2500 cal with soild protein, and good fats.
Three things bro:

First: world class shity pic.

Two: please dont represent the UT looking like that. You've got my friends and I pissed over here.

Three: That is the silliest diet I've ever seen.


gymratpa..which things should I cut out of my diet

ORCA--who the hell are you..I would appreciate educated comments and a little help rather than your negative feedback, and I am not on a specific diet..this is just what I eat everyday which is why im posting this, so that I can get some HELP
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I'll answer for gymratpa, cut all of that crap out except the rice, creatine and chicken breast, start spending less money on your underware and go get a gym pass--------then start working out.

Im sorry for being a dick on that post, but have you ever looked into proper diet before or what.

and bambam thats nice that you have a friend here. Oh ya and if you want to see a pic come over to excel and i'll take my shirt off for ya.

ORCA...wheres your pic..You sure do got alot of attitude for someone who wont post their pic..If you want to give advice thats fine, but whats with the attitude...oh yeah..its underwear..hukt on fonix
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sonik - very simple. your diet is way off.
every 3 hours get in 30-40 grams of protein and some good complex carbs and fats. you are eating way too little protein. you need protein at every single meal and start to taper off the carbs towards the end of day if you are trying to lose.

supersize..thanks for the advice..I did switch my diet around, thats why I posted what I ate, cause I know i was eating way too many this is what I eat

morning--2 pieces of sausage and two eggs

10:00 am--can of tuna--protein shake

12:00--rice with cream of chicken, and chicken breast

2:00--big bowl of cottage cheese

4:00--chicken breast-protein shake

What do you guys eat throughout the day
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