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Yepper! Muxcle is much more dense then fat therefor weighs more. This is why scales are not the best indicator, infact not as good as how your cloths fit you. Also on the BMI. Its a very poor indicator however thats what insurance comapanies and Dr's use so we just deal with it.

Now something else for you to ponder.....even tho the BMI is a poor tool it is somewhat useful. Would you believe that BBERs are obese? Yes its true. Their bodies are carrying much more weight then is optimal. So that is why some cardio is necessary, in order for us to keep our cardio vascular systems up to par. So it is important for you to do the Met Cons and then maybe a 30 min cardio workout on the weekend. What we need to do is to balance out our cardio so that it does not eat up the muscle that we work so hard for.

Being obese is not necessarily the same as being fat.

Ok zed that makes sense! Thanks for explaining.
"I think it was my doc actually that said that it was a 'myth' that muscle weighs more than fat"
Sweettea thats just plain sad and I mean that. If your doc is that missinformed I would seriously suggest that you find a new one for your own sake.
That really makes me sad.

I guess I do need to find a new doc!!
That's really sad and pathetic that I was told that. But she said it...she said that it was a way to make people feel better about their weigh by saying 'oh its muscle'. She most certainly said it was a myth and that muscle did not weigh more than fat!!
And I thought is was just me bing a wuss about it.
Wtih all the cardio that you have been doing and it was tuff on you kinda makes me feel better actually.....:faint:

But yeah its a real ass buster thats foshow darlin.

Foshow it is an ass buster! Bout busted my ass numerous times doing it!! It'd given me another goal beat that met con!!! I'm going to start doing it several times a week and I'm going to bust its ass!! Nope you're not a wuss!! Well if you are then I am too! It was actually a blow to my self esteem seeing that I had been the cardio queen. I must admit that it's been a huge change not doing as much cardio. Feel like I'm cheating myself but I know that it's just because it's a habit and I need to (and have been working on) changing my mindset.
Gr8 killa tude darlin BUT you only do the MetCon 2x/week!!! PLus your weeknd 30MIN run. THATS ALL THE CARDIO FOR YOU SWEETTEA!!!
If you do any more you are just gonna go backwards on your strength and growth sista.
Tell me you understand this plz!:cool:
I guess I do need to find a new doc!!
That's really sad and pathetic that I was told that. But she said it...she said that it was a way to make people feel better about their weigh by saying 'oh its muscle'. She most certainly said it was a myth and that muscle did not weigh more than fat!!

Just to help you feel a little bit better about your doc....;)

I've had this debate many times too...technically speaking.....1 lb is 1 1 lb of fat would weigh the same as 1 lb of muscle BUT...their composition is sooo different so it looks so different. You would look very different at 150 lbs with 30% bf then you would at 150 lbs with 18% bf. Docs just seem to miss that whole second part and spout off information that seems only half right.

Zed is so right when talking about not just paying attention to numbers on the scale but to how your clothes fit and also, your body composition make up.
Just to help you feel a little bit better about your doc....;)

I've had this debate many times too...technically speaking.....1 lb is 1 1 lb of fat would weigh the same as 1 lb of muscle BUT...their composition is sooo different so it looks so different. You would look very different at 150 lbs with 30% bf then you would at 150 lbs with 18% bf. Docs just seem to miss that whole second part and spout off information that seems only half right.

Zed is so right when talking about not just paying attention to numbers on the scale but to how your clothes fit and also, your body composition make up.

Errrrrrgh gross lol but yeah that's the article I read too. Im going to order some digi callipers that's the only way to be sure!!

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Errrrrrgh gross lol but yeah that's the article I read too. Im going to order some digi callipers that's the only way to be sure!!

Sent from my iPhone messes with your mind a little bit...I'd like to try one of those underwater bf testing things but I already know I'm too high right now so maybe after a cut!! ;) messes with your mind a little bit...I'd like to try one of those underwater bf testing things but I already know I'm too high right now so maybe after a cut!! ;)

Ah yeah I'm intrigued bout how that works I would like to give it a go too

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I use an Accu Measure PLastic caliper. Cheap and simple, however maybe not the most accurate.
Cali your posts are outstanding sista!
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