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* M1-TEST CYCLE INFO, please assist!


New member
i can get nolvadex off a buddy for $1.60 CDN per pill....not sure if this is a good or bad deal or exactly what MG the pills are.....but here is my cycle plan:

14 day m1-test @ 15mg per day. 9 hours sleep in cold, very dark room, plus napping for expected "lethargy" side effect, diet on point 6-7 meals per day,2 whey iso shakes, lots of lean chicken breasts, tuna, cottage cheese, milk, some ANPB, good clean shit, TONS OF WATER...(for real)

stats: 6'3 / 165 lbs / 22 years old / been training pretty hard for years, compound movements going up well, deadlifted 255 today!, diet finally coming on point and seeing large gains in the past few months....i used to weigh even less believe it or not....some would say just EAT EAT EAT and this would be alright but i know myself too well and unless I see a massive body change I wont 'realllly' stick with bodybuilding , and only do it half assed.

I'm liking this SuperPump250 by Gaspari Nutrition as well and today will be day 6, taking 2 scoops on workout days and 1 scoop on non workout days (contains creatine, no2,etc) also now using omega 3 supps and a good multi-vit. this is a very good time in my life to do this cycle, lots of free time (a rarity, and i heard u get lethargic on the m1test...also i will not realistically be injecting test, just not gonna happen at this point in my life, even tho i know its better)

QUESTION 1: is there a TIME in the day (especially on workout days) when I should be taking the day, night, pre workout , 1 hour pre workout, pwo, etc?

QUESTION 2 and main question: HOW MUCH NOLVADEX do i need, what mg specifically, and when do i start using it (on day 1, on day 8?, not till the end?) and also do i need clomid. also, what SPECIFICALLY do i do for PCT?

QUESTION 3: are there any concerns using SuperPump250 (Gaspari Nutrition pre-workout forumla, creatine, no2,etc) with the M1-test? trying to avoid ephedrine because it suppresses appetite....might take a caffiene pill as well to stay focused

any other tips and info is seriously appreciated...i have a great training partner and i watched him get BEASTLY off the m1t's....i have done a high dose cycle of D-BOL (methylandrostenolone @ 35mg/day for 35 days) this was 3.5 years ago (ill advised cycle, shitty diet, training and too young, probably negatively affecting bone/growth plate development) and probably still have some gyno from not afraid of gyno but i would like to avoid it , obviously, and kill it off. also afraid of high choloestorol (heard this happens with m1test and also liver toxicity...(LivTone or Milk thistle?)

i have delayed the college lifestyle and gone very very easy on the liqour and beer recently and wont be drinking a drop during cycle or PCT...and no weed either, weed made me feel very weird when I was on dbols,,very painful PAINFUL getting to sleep for some reason...)

dont mean to rant just want to give all the info possible, please please assist!! thanks so much EF has been fucking awesome from my transition from skeleton man 130 lb wet @ 6'3 to hopefully 210 jacked in the next few years.... :)
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I have took M1T a while ago. Don't get me wrong it did work just not the gains I expected. You are goin to have to take that for more than 14 days to get good results you are not going to blow up in 2 weeks. Also even if that were potent enought to do it eating just lean chicken breasts and tuna is not gonna let you just blow up. You need to eat a good portion of protein which it sounds like you are but also some carbohydrates as well as a good source a fat. As far as worrying about the nolvadex, personally i would say fuck it. I went on a cycle of m1t for about 6 weeks, never took any pct, my balls were back to normal in a week, and I kept about 90% of my gains if not all of it. I personally don't know anything about gaspari I hear it is supposed to be good. But hell yeah make sure you are taking your creatine with it trust me it will help. And yes I do strongly recomend taking the milk thistle as as a vitamin c source. Don't worry about the high cholesterol you are 6' 3" and 165 the last thing you have is cholesterol problems, you have other things to worry about.

No offense dude but if you are 22 and are proud you are deadlifting 255 you need to wake up and realize that just sucks. You need to start eating everything in sight, yes you are goin to put on a little bit of fat weight but you need to first be big then cut to what you want it is pretty much impossible to just get big and stay lean at the same time. If you went on a hardcore bulking diet, without the M1T and lifted with intesity, and stay away from the drinks for a while there is no doubt in my mind you will be able to deadlift 300 in max of 2 months.
ya my lifts suck no realization bench is laughably low at about 150....long arms are not an excuse but they are fucking hard to work with. i could consider a slightly longer cycle for sure...somebody gimmie some more info on the nolvadex tho,, i dont agree with you that you dont need it, check this thread, where 10 people all disagree with your point completley, they say the nolvadex is absolutly necessary "if you want to have kids in the future" even, not to flame you, but check out this thread:

(some one please gimmie specifics on nolvadex!!!) what if i made it a 3 week cycle, where would i start using the nolvadex?
i am going to try to be nice abot this... you got no business messing with drugs you just need to learn to eat and workout right ... drugs will do you more harm than good at this point especially harsh substances like M1T
first ,thanks for looking out for me and being careful. i actually appreciate your stance and opinion and if i was anyone else i would probably listen to you, but i have already done steroids before (as i explained) and i know how powerful and life changing they can be. even if i were to eat near perfectly and train near perfectly for almost a full year there is no way it will match the gains i can make off a proper cycle of m1test...granted it is not injectable test but my questions above were about nolvadex, when to take it in the day, how many milligrams and especially when to start, and also what to do for PCT. these were the specific questions i asked in this thread and i hope some experienced persons could help me awnser these questions...thanks! (for a 3 week cycle, of m1test at 15mg a day)

i have already convinced myself i am doing them because i need a massive change in my body, i hope u can accept this....i cant crawl from 165lbs to 175 after a year and then 185 after 2 years with no cycling ....i need a massive change to keep my focus, even 185 is LIGHTWEIGHT for my height, for my goals of 210 i will be far off that even after this cycle of m1test..
ya for sure.....can anybody awnser my nolvadex related questions in the original post? what happened to the striaght up scientific awnsers elitefitness is known for....on topic awnsers are appreciated..thanks all
i didnt know ef was known for giving 'straight up scientific answers'.
anyhow. i dont know what m1 test is but for almost every other steroid, keep nolva on hand in case you get signs of gyno. then start pct 2 weeks after last injection(but you're scared of needles :rainbow: )
40 mg/day for 2 weeks...... then
20mg/day for another 2 weeks.
is m1 test long or short esther?
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