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* M1-TEST CYCLE INFO, please assist!

M1T is "Methyl 1-Test"

It's a pro hormone.

Just to let you know, it's generally safer to inject Testosterone than try and take a Methylated Pro Hormone version of it for two reasons:

1- Your liver
2- Depot Testosterone (Injectable Testosterone) has been around for ages. Therefore, more research has been done on it and more is known. This means that any negative side-effects you may have will more easily be combatted.

The bottom line is get over the fear of needles, and you'll be better off because of it.
seriously wtf is M1T?
You don't need Nolv with a 15mg ed dosing Test.
Advice is get over not sticking yourself & get some normal T (Sus, T-E, Prop).
holy fuck your pic looks there seriously this little experience with m1t on this board? other boards it seems like everyone is trying it, or has recently tried it! thanks for the specific there a time of day to take nolvadex....AND DO I NEED CLOMID? and how are they different..thanks for specifics...
I've run 2 cycles of M1T, both with great results. You should really split M1T up in 6 week cycles, 2 ON, 2 OFF, 2 ON:

WK 1-2 15mg ED
WK 3-4 OFF
WK 5-6 20mg ED

You might want to keep it at 15 mg for the last 2 weeks, but I'm 205lb (usually around 210-215 at that point) and find 20mg is perfect to end the cycle with. See how your body responds. I recommend you check liver values as well.

I also suggest avoiding caffeine pills since M1T raises blood pressure. Try upping your carb intake instead.

PCT should be a normal 4 week dose of clomid, Nolva, etc. If you eat a boatload of clean carbs and protein, you should see a solid 10lbs of muscle following PCT.

Copy/paste off another board:

1. What is methyl-1testosterone?

Well, the simple answer is that it is 1-testosterone with a 17aa methylation. To go more in depth, I will explain what 1-testosterone is.

1-testosterone is a bit of a misnomer, in that, it isn’t directly related to testosterone; while they share similar characteristics chemically speaking, 1-testosterone is more closely related to boldenone (equipoise). In fact, 1-testosterone is the 5-alpha reduced version of boldenone (the same thing that turns testosterone into DHT - causing prostate and hair loss issues, among other androgenic side effects.) However, boldenone isn’t as androgenic as testosterone, so its 5alpha-reduced version isn’t as androgenic as dht, though it does seem to be more active than dht. Technically, 1-testosterone is really dihydroboldenone (dhb). This makes it very similar to primobolan and stenbolone, in that both primobolan and stenbolone are DHB with a 1-methyl and 2-methyl group attached, to make it more orally bioavailable.

2. Ok, so 1-test is really dhb, so what about m1t?

Well, when you add a 17alpha-alkylation to boldenone, you get the popular steroid dianabol (methandrostenolone). So adding the 17aa to 1-testosterone would make m1t the 5alpha reduced version of dbol, which is actually more potent and active than dbol itself. Since dbol does not bind well to the 5alpha reductase enzyme, there is a rather small amount of dbol converted into m1t.

3. Does m1t convert into estrogen?

No, the fact that it is 5alpha reduced prevents this.

4. So that means I can't get gyno from m1t.

No, gyno is a rather common side effect of m1t, while the 5alpha reduction should prevent the aromatization into estrogen; no studies have shown this to be the case. It is more likely that m1t gyno is progesterone or prolactin induced. Nolvadex should still help prevent/alleviate any gyno symptoms. Supplementation with vitamin B6 @ 300mg a day may also prove useful.

5. Will m1t make my hair fall out?

It can - m1t is very androgenic, which can lead to many androgenic side effects such as acceleration of male pattern baldness, benign prostate hypertrophy, acne, and aggression. Finasteride (propecia) would have no effect on this; the only solution would to use a topical agent such as spironolactone, minoxodil, azelaic acid, or nizoral shampoo.

6. Are there any other side effects?

Yes, many people report bad bloating from m1t - the cause is unknown, but I could speculate that it is due to progesteronic activity. Many others report moderate to severe back cramping/tightness. Supplementation with taurine and potassium can help alleviate this side effect. Shut down of the HPTA is severe with m1t, so using testosterone or 4ad along with m1t would be advisable to prevent loss of libido. HCG would also be recommended during the cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. Lethargy is another side effect of m1t, the cause of this is unknown, but it is often reported. High blood pressure is one other major side effect of m1t. The increase in bp often causes headaches. Supplementation with hawthorn berry, garlic and/or celery extract should help alleviate some of these sides. M1t is 17alpha-alkylated, making it very harsh on the liver, so ideally your liver values should be checked before, during and after the cycle. Supplementation with alpha lipoic acid and milk thistle can help prevent liver damage. Other methylated substances SHOULD NOT be taken concurrently with m1t.

7. This stuff sounds nasty, why would anyone take it?

Well, because it is a very potent mass builder. It is without a doubt the most potent legal mass builder out there. So some people will risk the sides, to get big.

8. Is 6oxo enough for pct?

No, you should pct with nolva or clomid. 6oxo simply won’t cut it.

9. How do I cycle this stuff?

Well, it is recommended you run some form of compound that will convert to testosterone or testosterone itself. Here is the most common m1t stack:

Weeks 1-2 10mg m1t, 400-600mg 4ad (transdermally) (1500mg orally) a day

weeks 3-4 400-600mg 4ad (transdermally) (1500mg orally) a day * Note, some people run pct during these weeks, but it is likely not a good idea, since you wont have time to fully recover, and will just be shut down again soon.

Weeks 5-6 10mg m1t, 400-600mg 4ad (transdermally) (1500mg orally) a day

pct - nolva 40/40/20/20 (4 weeks) or clomid (3 weeks) 300 day one, 100 10 days, 50 10 days.

10. What is the half life of m1t?

Well, the active life is speculated to be around 12 hours. Though, I believe it to be at least 48 hours. There have been no tests to my knowledge to confirm or deny one way or the other, but from personal experience, m1t seems to last a couple days after your last dosage. Also, one could speculate that since m1t is a dbol derivative, its active life would be similar – around 9 hours or so. So this is definitely up in the air.

11.Will I lose all my gains after a cycle?

Not if you do proper pct and continue to train and eat properly after your cycle. Though, you will probably lose a few pounds of water after your cycle, this is expected.

12. What are the reccomended dosages?

Most people should start off with 10mg a day. Listen to your body and adjust the dosages as you see fit. The dosage should never exceed 20mg a day, unless liver values are closely monitored. Dosages of 40mg are not unheard of, but not recommended.

13. How long can I run m1t?

Most people prefer the 2on/2off/2on routine, but you could run it for 4 weeks straight. It should not be taken for more than 6 weeks straight.

14. How much can I gain on m1t?

If your diet and workout is in check, you could gain up to 20lbs in 4 weeks. The results will vary, but 10-20lbs is the most common. Keep in mind that some of this weight is likely water, and will probably be lost in pct – the lean gains should be kept though.

15. Can I run m1t with my cutting cycle?

You can – though m1t builds mass very well and quickly, so it is better suited for bulking, but remember, diet determines whether you cut or bulk.
can't believe no one picked up on this...

stats: 6'3 / 165 lbs / 22 years old / been training pretty hard for years, compound movements going up well, deadlifted 255 today! are no where near your full natural potential, buddy. stay off the sauce and EAT!!!

mattrich said:
i've also read somewhere that another side is that it increases your bad cholesterols?

yes, it's very harsh on the liver

i got my values checked after the cycle and they were fine, but then again i was heavy on the liver supps and don't drink while on and very little when i'm off

krishna said:
What's transdermal 4ad? And this guy says that nolva will help with progesterone gyno?? WTF?

4-AD is a prohormone that converts to test, ergopharm was famous for this product but it came in caps

the transdermal spray had a higher bioavailability than caps, it was called 4derm from dermabolics

4derm counters the loss of libido and the usual lethargy that comes with M1T since it converts to test

my first 2 cycles were prohormones, with proper planning you can acheive amazing results from these once legal products

i have gotten bigger and kept more of my gains than some AAS users I know using 4-AD trans with's a pic following that cycle:


M4OHN, Superdrol and 1-AD were popular as well but since they're no longer legal AAS are by far the better choice nowadays

i'm currently in my 2nd week of this cycle:

WK 1-2 15mg M1T ED
WK 3-4 OFF
WK 5-6 20mg M1T ED
WK 7-20 600mg EQ EW
WK 16-20 60mg VAR ED

PCT: Nolva, Clomid
SUPPS: ProLiver (mostly milk thistle), hawthorn, cranberry, flax & fish oil, V8
macrophage69alpha has told me that nolvadex is not necssaey and instead CLOMID at 50mg each day is necessary for "2-3 weeks" although i have to clarify if that is entirely POST cycle ...or if i start the clomid on cycle.?


dont take nolva after m1t, its a progestin. Besides nolva is not particulary effective or proven for PCT (aside from claims by "gurus" that it is).

use clomid 50mg 2-3 weeks.

why are you using m1t? its a extremely toxic oral steroid that was discarded and not developed and just as illegal as legitimate pharmaceutical steroids

AIFM would be good with dbol, test, eq, etc. But ai's wont do much with m1t its a methylated progestin that does not convert to estrogen

AIFM is a separate or addition to clomid (pct)
it works by "killing" the enzyme that converts test to estrogen. its a suicidal inhibitor, arimidex is a competitive inhibitor.

if you want a good cycle it hard to beat TEST and an oral of your choice. you can add in a anabolic like EQ or NPP.

orals only cycles are pretty harsh on your body and progestins tend to disrupt the endocrine system alot. Would avoid an m1t cycle.

thanks for the great response, im so stubborn that im willing to try them more because i know they will be better than the dbols beacuse im using a lower dose, for less time, have WAYYYYY better training base, WAYYY better diet, and a great time in my life to actually do them and recover, plenty of time to sleep and workout.....stubborn move maybe but im NOT injecting until i get a nurse to do it for me...havent found one yet,gotta fuck em first i guess :)
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