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Long distance running and steroids?


New member
Does anyone here partake in long distance running? I feel it kept me very lean and helped my endurance a lot. Haven't been into it as much since experimenting with bulking but i don't store fat well and won't be committing to the chubby face any time soon so i am looking to get back to my 2 hour runs. Do steroids and distance running mix though? Contrary to popular belief it is not muscle wasting unless you are training for a marathon which i won't be doing.
Does anyone here partake in long distance running? I feel it kept me very lean and helped my endurance a lot. Haven't been into it as much since experimenting with bulking but i don't store fat well and won't be committing to the chubby face any time soon so i am looking to get back to my 2 hour runs. Do steroids and distance running mix though? Contrary to popular belief it is not muscle wasting unless you are training for a marathon which i won't be doing.

depends what your taking. somethings kill my cardio
A lot of steroids out there cause side affects that just make running hell. For example, one of my most common side effects are calf cramps. I can't walk 200 yards without my calves seizing up and me having to take a seat to stretch them out because they're so painful. That being said, there are some steroids out there that can have benefits to cardio, like boldenone (aka equipoise). You should look into that.
Shit, I don't run to the Bathroom, That's a long distance haha.

Most juice was originally made to 1. bulk you,as in the case of patients with wasting diseases. Or 2. To put meat on food animals. Neither of these things are too concerned with cardio.

Equi, however was developed for horses, nobody's eating horses (at least not many) horses run, that's why many runners use it. Athletes in general.

I've heard of low DECA use for the joint relief of constant strides, HGH of course, and test for that drive.

Juice usage for endurance/sports is waaay different than standard gym rat juice usage, research is the best thing I can tell you
I think it's pretty common knowledge Lance Armstrong was taking testosterone. How much I don't know. I'm a sprinter and cycle EQ and Test. I ran some Tbol with it this time it caused me to seize up on my 400 a little. I was cruising 200 mg per week test and was leaning up and making gains on 400 before my cycle. That's all I do next season.
low dose test with some var might be nice. but pumps can be a pain
I think it's pretty common knowledge Lance Armstrong was taking testosterone. How much I don't know. I'm a sprinter and cycle EQ and Test. I ran some Tbol with it this time it caused me to seize up on my 400 a little. I was cruising 200 mg per week test and was leaning up and making gains on 400 before my cycle. That's all I do next season.

Lance's favorite was HGH, also like suggested before EQ will increase RBC count which in turn carries more oxygen to the organs enabling you to run harder longer.
I agree with that! EQ was the only gear I could run on, any other compounds would give me such intense pump on my lower legs I couldn't run more than half a mile. Then again everyone is different, I never done HGH.
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