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Just started test-e cycle and need help on diet

lol thanks for the advice guys, The cycle was kind of a bad idea considering im pretty young. Oh well, atleast ill get good gains, than i wont think of roiding it for a while. I will work on my meal plan for sure though. and instead of 500mg for 5 weeks im just gonna do 250 mg for 10 weeks and start anavar week 6-10. Lets just hope my balls wont shrink too much haha

You wont get good gains if your diet is shit is the key...not roids..
I'm at a loss for which is worse, that cycle, steroids when too young, or having frozen fish sticks in your diet.

I mean eating frozen fish sticks is pretty damn bad.
If you use AAS @ this age you will never make natural gains again.

Im not going into the whole spiel - but for the sake of your endocrine/skeletal system come back in 3 years.

Also, your cycles a joke. Test E for 5 weeks? unreal ---> run the ester until it starts to kick then drop it? unreal. Whoever is selling you gear and giving you advice deserves to get their teeth punched out.
Check it out kiddo you need to stick with normal supps like creatine, NO, Glutamine, Whey stuff like that and you will grow just fine. Then when you grow up you can join us in the big boyz forum and hit up the real shit... Grow as much as you can the next 3 or 4 years and then come back and we will hook you up with the
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