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critique my 1st cycle


New member
Ive done alot of research and have put together my first cycle. You guys on here seem to be pretty nolegiable and straight up, tell me what you think.
Bf% no idea but id guess around 15%
Been working out and training off and on for 8yrs or so

My cycle:
1-4 dbol 30mg a week
1-12 test e 500mg a week
1-10 tren e 400mg

Nola 50/50/20/20
Clomid 20/20/20/20
Eating aroud 3500-4000 calories a day and 300-350gm of protein. Am i missing anything??
personally i wouldnt run tren yet if you dont have any cycle experience. the dbol and test e look alright, i would also recommend using a AI due to the fact both those compounds convert to estrogen and you wanna try and keep your water retention down. For your pct i would drop the nolva, low dose clomid with some unleashed is good stuff and daa is also very good. if your eating good and lifting nice and heavy u should get some great bulk outta that cycle.
Thanks for the advise might save the tren for a cut cycle. Clomid and unleashed would that be enough for pct? What about prs erase for on cycle
Deejleos has a point about the tren, the sides can hit certain people like a ton of bricks. If you are dead set on taking it the do tren ace because it is out of your system faster if you can handle the sides. Other than that doesn't look too bad. Everyones chemistry is different so what happens during your first may not have happened to others or visa versa. Good luck and BLOOWORK BLOODWORK BLOOWORK!
bro, this is a mess... you should never even consider tren as a first cycle... and you SHOULD NEVER run nolva with a 19-nor... that is a horrible thing... nolva is garbage anyway bro... just stick with test and dbol... that's a good first cycle...

1-12 test e 500 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-4 dbol 30 mg day
1-4 n2guard
7-14 hcg 500 iu's week or hcgenerate

pct week 15-18

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]clomid 25/25/25/25
Unleashed/post cycle combo
forma stanzol
daa powerchews or powder

ostarine 25 mg day[/FONT]
Ive been reading alot through this forum and a lot of people agree that tren is not good for a first cycle. Im going to save it for a cutting cycle and just go with test and dbol. What can i do to try and cut down on the water retention from the dbol so i dont look puffy? I appreciate everyone's input i want to make sure i have everything covered.
Could even chuck anavar or winny on the back end if your trying to stay lean aswell

"obsessed is what the lazy call the motivated"
I thought about adding a little bit of var toward the end, what would be the best doseage for ending a cycle on var?
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