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are children overrated? came across this article, thought it was interesting

+ infinity

I can vouch for that from personal experience- I was unplanned and an intrusion by all accounts seeing as my parents were divorcing already.
My mom didn't want me around in the house, especially when she had friends over to smoke dope with.
Thank God for my grandparents who took me every weekend till I left home at 14.
If you don't really want kids please don't just go along and have them.

:( Thats sad, I'm sorry about that. :(

Though, my DH spent every Friday night at his grandparents while his parents had a date night. THey focused on their marriage and made it important and he told me it made him feel secure in his family.
^^^^^ that's Mr. Harry Cane, the guy/ Dad I know...


like i said it all comes down to sacrifices u make for the love of your child

example.. the crap this thread is based on

its all about memememe..what burdens the child brings to him.. how a child makes his life harder..less things he can do because of the child...all selfish thoughts of someone that cares only about himself

when u truely love your child its a pleasure to sacrifice this stuff for them..well maybe not always a pleasure lol but more then worth it ...
I think men need to wait a little longer. Sadly, women dont have that option. I cant explain why a woman needs to be young to have children, God made it that way. Maybe it gives them a little less anxiety, once you become too wise about the world having children can really make you anxious. IMO, a 20 year old mother does not worry and fret as much as a 35 year old mother...

I disagree. Mostly because this is too much of a generalization. A woman doesn't "need" to be young to have kids, that's a ridiculous claim. Of course you see it this way because you had your girl in your 20's, and you even made it relatively impossible to argue by taking it to the highest authority ("god made it that way"). :rolleyes: Yes, they have options. Ever hear about grandma carrying a baby for her daughter? Where are you getting these bullshit ideas from anyway?

Some people are just wired to worry. They can have money in the bank, solid job/career, happy children and spouse, little to no debt, and still matter how old or young they are. Actually, I think a 20 year old girl in most cases has a LOT more to worry about than that 35 year old woman who is at least done with school and probably has a career, and hopefully some savings.

Also, there are more and more women who start having kids now in their 30's (hell, even 40's). It's certainly not impossible, nor is it necessarily anything to worry about.
:( Thats sad, I'm sorry about that. :(

Though, my DH spent every Friday night at his grandparents while his parents had a date night. THey focused on their marriage and made it important and he told me it made him feel secure in his family.

That sounds healthy...I never felt secure like that unless I was in a structured environment like school or sports.
The good thing was my grandparents were old school and taught me a lot of good stuff.
I was just feeling a little bitter- I guess it came out that way too.
Thanks :)
I disagree. Mostly because this is too much of a generalization. A woman doesn't "need" to be young to have kids, that's a ridiculous claim. Of course you see it this way because you had your girl in your 20's, and you even made it relatively impossible to argue by taking it to the highest authority ("god made it that way"). :rolleyes: Yes, they have options. Ever hear about grandma carrying a baby for her daughter? Where are you getting these bullshit ideas from anyway?

Some people are just wired to worry. They can have money in the bank, solid job/career, happy children and spouse, little to no debt, and still matter how old or young they are. Actually, I think a 20 year old girl in most cases has a LOT more to worry about than that 35 year old woman who is at least done with school and probably has a career, and hopefully some savings.

Also, there are more and more women who start having kids now in their 30's (hell, even 40's). It's certainly not impossible, nor is it necessarily anything to worry about.

itttcryadayada23456, whatever that techy thing is....

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I disagree. Mostly because this is too much of a generalization. A woman doesn't "need" to be young to have kids, that's a ridiculous claim. Of course you see it this way because you had your girl in your 20's, and you even made it relatively impossible to argue by taking it to the highest authority ("god made it that way"). :rolleyes: Yes, they have options. Ever hear about grandma carrying a baby for her daughter? Where are you getting these bullshit ideas from anyway?

Some people are just wired to worry. They can have money in the bank, solid job/career, happy children and spouse, little to no debt, and still matter how old or young they are. Actually, I think a 20 year old girl in most cases has a LOT more to worry about than that 35 year old woman who is at least done with school and probably has a career, and hopefully some savings.

Also, there are more and more women who start having kids now in their 30's (hell, even 40's). It's certainly not impossible, nor is it necessarily anything to worry about.
+1 i agree 100%.. i know from experience. alot of teens and early 20 year old women arent ready.."not over the selfish stage imo".. but it really depends on the mother

i should know my grandmother played a huge part in raising me because my mother was this way..she had me at 19
I disagree. Mostly because this is too much of a generalization. A woman doesn't "need" to be young to have kids, that's a ridiculous claim. Of course you see it this way because you had your girl in your 20's, and you even made it relatively impossible to argue by taking it to the highest authority ("god made it that way"). :rolleyes: Yes, they have options. Ever hear about grandma carrying a baby for her daughter? Where are you getting these bullshit ideas from anyway?

Some people are just wired to worry. They can have money in the bank, solid job/career, happy children and spouse, little to no debt, and still matter how old or young they are. Actually, I think a 20 year old girl in most cases has a LOT more to worry about than that 35 year old woman who is at least done with school and probably has a career, and hopefully some savings.

Also, there are more and more women who start having kids now in their 30's (hell, even 40's). It's certainly not impossible, nor is it necessarily anything to worry about.

Thats fine if you disagree. I think thats easy for you to say because you are not a woman and you dont HAVE to worry about it. I'm 29 with less than a one year old baby. I'm not exactly a youngin either. I know far to many women agonizing over not being able to conceive becuase they waited too long and are spending their precious savings on IVF treatments. ITs just the way it is ceo.

Also, I agree that I was generalizing. I was just SPECULATING (I said it was my opinion and I used the word maybe a couple times) on the reason why women can only have children when they are young. There must be a reason why nature/god set it up that way. It must be the best way to be.

My ideas are NOT bullshit. I wont discuss anything here with you anymore becuase you dont respect me in the least, so I wont respect a letter of what you write on here either. :rolleyes:
Thats fine if you disagree. I think thats easy for you to say because you are not a woman and you dont HAVE to worry about it. I'm 29 with less than a one year old baby. I'm not exactly a youngin either. I know far to many women agonizing over not being able to conceive becuase they waited too long and are spending their precious savings on IVF treatments. ITs just the way it is ceo.

Also, I agree that I was generalizing. I was just SPECULATING (I said it was my opinion and I used the word maybe a couple times) on the reason why women can only have children when they are young. There must be a reason why nature/god set it up that way. It must be the best way to be.

My ideas are NOT bullshit. I wont discuss anything here with you anymore becuase you dont respect me in the least, so I wont respect a letter of what you write on here either. :rolleyes:

Um, no you didn't. You didn't use the word opinion at all. Maybe you should read your post again. You did say you "think" that men need to wait, but then you said that women "don't have that option" because, "God made it that way." So, like I said, you made it impossible for anyone to argue your ridiculous and unsubstantiated point because you already took it to (your) highest authority. "God made it like that so there's just no other way and no arguing."

It's not that I don't respect you, I just don't respect the way you went about presenting your case. There isn't a fact to be found in it, yet you made it inarguable. And, when presented with an argument, you run away instead of trying to find any facts to support your claims.

Does it become more difficult to have kids when a woman is 35 rather than 25? Statistically, yes. Does it mean women "NEED to be young to have children" and, "don't have that option" of waiting until they are in their 30's? No, not at all.

And if you post absolute bullshit, expect to be called on it. It doesn't mean people don't respect you, and it's no reason to act like a child.
and no, I'm not a woman, but I am married to one who had a child at 34, and will likely have another. So, what exactly is it you are saying I do not "HAVE" to worry about?
People who DON'T want to have kids and then DON'T have kids are a blessing to human kind. People who DO want to have kids and work really hard at doing it well either by emulating their good upbringing or by learning through their parents mistakes are also a blessing. People who SHOULDN'T have kids and then do...well...that's where the tragedy lies. If they are wise they learn about the best tools to survive it and they bring up decent human beings and the pay off will come later when their decent human offspring wipe their old wrinkley asses for them when they're old and make sure they die in comfort. If they are stupid, they don't find the tools to cope and instead they abuse/neglect/spoil their kids into rottenness and then let them loose on US. The wisest of these will still grow up into decent human beings despite their upbringing by recentful parents. The dumb ones will just follow in their parent's footsteps and create more unloved or incorrectly loved children. Then we create gigantic nurseries for the poorest of these poor souls called prisons. Oversimplified, yes. It's OKAY to not have kids. If you don't want them PLEASE don't get yourself or anyone pregnant. Children deserve the gift of TWO loving parents, one will do at the very least &/or a couple of great grand parents, or give the gift of adoption. You are not evil for not wanting kids.
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