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All of your SARMS1 questions... Ask them here!!

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Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

Bro your confused... Who said anything about gw making you slower?? Its for endurance and stamina as well as weight loss... Its fucking amazing...

At 22 you have no business even thinking about hgh...

Stick with sarms man

Sent from my iPhone using EliteFitness app from Dylan Gemelli
Okey, I will stick with sarms. I know did read something about GW making fast acting cells to slow acting cells, but I think it maybe was something when it comes to metabolism and not muscle cells.
Do you know something about it?
I'm also pretty scared of using S4 because of the night vision side to it. What can S4 do that Ostarine can't?
Do you have the opportunity to give me a cycle depending on what I wrote to you in the last post?
What kind of PEDs do you think soccer players is taking? I thought soccer players did take low doses of HGH.

Thanks for the answers, very kind of you to take your time to answer my questions.
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

Okey, I will stick with sarms. I know did read something about GW making fast acting cells to slow acting cells, but I think it maybe was something when it comes to metabolism and not muscle cells.
Do you know something about it?
I'm also pretty scared of using S4 because of the night vision side to it. What can S4 do that Ostarine can't?
Do you have the opportunity to give me a cycle depending on what I wrote to you in the last post?
What kind of PEDs do you think soccer players is taking? I thought soccer players did take low doses of HGH.

Thanks for the answers, very kind of you to take your time to answer my questions.

bro, please stop talking about hgh... you have no idea about it and its not for you... please just drop it...

s4 is going to harden you up a lot and give strength and energy... you just have to dose it very precisely...

here is some info on gw... you read it and decide if you like it... after you read it, let me know which sarms you want to use and i'll set you up a cycle...

GW-501516 (also known as GW-501,516, GW1516 or GSK-516) is a PPARδ modulator compound being investigated for drug use by GlaxoSmithKline.[1][2] It activates the same pathways activated through exercise, including PPARδ and AMP-activated protein kinase. It is being investigated as a potential treatment for obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease.[3][4] GW-501516 has a synergistic effect when combined with AICAR: the combination has been shown to significantly increase exercise endurance in animal studies more than either compound alone. [5][6]
GW-50156 regulates fat burning through a number of widespread mechanisms;[7] it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization.[8][9][10] This shift changes the body's metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing clinical application for obese patients to lose fat effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar.[11] GW-501516 also increases muscle mass, which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW-501516 may have a protective effect against obesity [12]
It has been demonstrated at oral doses of 10 mg a day to reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese men with pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome, most likely by stimulating fatty acid oxidation.[13] Treatments with GW-501516 have been shown to increase HDL cholesterol by up to 79% in rhesus monkeys and the compound is now undergoing Phase II trials to improve HDL cholesterol in humans.[14]
Concerns were raised prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympics that GW-501516 could be used by athletes as a performance enhancing drug which was not currently controlled by regulations or detected by standard tests. One of the main researchers from the study on enhanced endurance consequently developed a urine test to detect the drug, and made it available to the International Olympic Committee.[15] The World Anti-Doping Agency has also begun work on a test for GW-501516 and other related PPARδ modulators,[16] and they have been added to the prohibited list from 2009 onwards.[17] The compound has yet to be named a controlled or prohibited substance by any nation's drug enforcement or regulation agency. To date, no athlete is known to have tested positive for the substance, though the increase in endurance, muscle fiber performance, fat loss and metabolism suggests GW-501516 has the potential for ergogenic use and abuse.
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

I want to be a pro soccer player so seems like GW could be great for me:) I know that I want to continue using Ostarine( have used it for 5 days and I feel like great!). Do you think I should take Aicar with Gw? But I need to take something to heal my knee. Like I said before. I'm not sure about S4 because of the night vision.
I know that this thread is about Sarms, but I need to ask you. Could some steroids be beneficial to me?
When it comes to Sarms I know that I definitely will take Ostarine,Gw and the last six packages that my doc prescribed to me with 10 mg testogel.
You need to tell me if you think I should take Aicar and something to heal my knee.

Sorry for all the questions and nagging. I just want to be 100% sure before I take something, and you are the best at this field:)
Thank you!
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

I want to be a pro soccer player so seems like GW could be great for me:) I know that I want to continue using Ostarine( have used it for 5 days and I feel like great!). Do you think I should take Aicar with Gw? But I need to take something to heal my knee. Like I said before. I'm not sure about S4 because of the night vision.
I know that this thread is about Sarms, but I need to ask you. Could some steroids be beneficial to me?
When it comes to Sarms I know that I definitely will take Ostarine,Gw and the last six packages that my doc prescribed to me with 10 mg testogel.
You need to tell me if you think I should take Aicar and something to heal my knee.

Sorry for all the questions and nagging. I just want to be 100% sure before I take something, and you are the best at this field:)
Thank you!

i would need your stats age/height/weight/body fat to really determine if you need steroids but i really feel that sarms are going to be the best for you with soccer... i would hold off on the aicar right now... albuterol may be a nice add for you... gw, ostarine and albuterol... i would also use tb-500 to help with some healing... that's a peptide... read some threads on tb-500... its works really well...
Thank you Dylan and Liffalot for your direction on this, I will certainly do a triple stack and follow the mini PCT. Looking forward to shedding this gained weight.
After following the protocol strictly and keeping a good clean diet, has anyone gained the lost weight back or, is it permanent?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using EliteFitness
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

Thank you Dylan and Liffalot for your direction on this, I will certainly do a triple stack and follow the mini PCT. Looking forward to shedding this gained weight.
After following the protocol strictly and keeping a good clean diet, has anyone gained the lost weight back or, is it permanent?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using EliteFitness

that just depends on your training and diet man... thats a very hypothetical question with too many factors... maintenance is the hardest part of anything... getting there is one thing but maintaining is where all the work is required... its definitely possible to keep everything and even add to it but thats up to you...
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

Lots of great info here....To continue the lean muscle gains and strength of the triple stack, could you follow it up with a Katana 3.0/Hella cycle. If so, could you start immediately following the mini pct, or could you skip the mini pct and jump right in?
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

Lots of great info here....To continue the lean muscle gains and strength of the triple stack, could you follow it up with a Katana 3.0/Hella cycle. If so, could you start immediately following the mini pct, or could you skip the mini pct and jump right in?

you cannot skip the mini pct... you must run it but after you complete it, you can jump right on to a hella/katana stack...
35 yrs old, 5/8, 175 lbs
Training for 15 yrs. Done About 8 cycles in total. Diet very clean and train 6 days a week. IMO sarms are deff something im trying to lean towards. From what i gathered this is how im tryin to lay this out. Please lMK your take on this.
1-8 osta 25 mg AD a.m.
1-8 s4 25 mg in a.m. And 25 mg 6 hours later.
9-11 unleashed.
Question*... Should i run some HC week 1-8 as well?
After week 11 when is recomended to start back over again?
I have been up reading for days on this and very excited to start the process.. For my rats of course...

Sent from my SGH-T989D using EliteFitness
Re: All of your SARMS questions... Ask them here!!

35 yrs old, 5/8, 175 lbs
Training for 15 yrs. Done About 8 cycles in total. Diet very clean and train 6 days a week. IMO sarms are deff something im trying to lean towards. From what i gathered this is how im tryin to lay this out. Please lMK your take on this.
1-8 osta 25 mg AD a.m.
1-8 s4 25 mg in a.m. And 25 mg 6 hours later.
9-11 unleashed.
Question*... Should i run some HC week 1-8 as well?
After week 11 when is recomended to start back over again?
I have been up reading for days on this and very excited to start the process.. For my rats of course...

Sent from my SGH-T989D using EliteFitness

run hcgenerate 1-8...

9-11 unleashed/post cycle combo
9-11 bridge (double dosed)

take one more week off and then you can run them again although i would give your body a break from them so it doesn't get used to them and not respond as well...
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