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17 AA Orals and Couple Beers?

no offense, but you're shelling out the money to take anavar, and then you go out and drink? isn't that kind of a waste, even if it's one day a week.
LOL. "Wait til your liver starts to hurt?"
Umm - fellas by the time your liver starts hurting serious damage has already been done.
Genarr is right which is why everybody should take every precaution they can whether it be abstaining from a certain something i.e. "The Beer" in your case or using supplements to combat possible sides when using a drug like A.S.. Your health should be high on your list when we talk about values so why not pay for some supps. like tyler's liver detox or milk thistle to keep your liver clean as a whistle or cranberry extract for the kidneys and some other helpful supps such as a good daily vitamin, etc.. It seems like many people feel they don't need any kinds of supps when taking a cycle but i would say the logical thing to do if you value your health is do it right and be safe. Try and get away with the lowest doses u can get because u only live once and the higher the A.S. you put in your body not to mention the type will greater the possibilty of more side effects and more harmful!!! Have a good day... ~JT~
Bro can I ask why?
Go to the bar drink a coke or some water. Your liver is already under constant stress process the var why overload it by binge drinking one or 2 nights a week. Yes six beers is binge drinking. If you think that taking your precautionary supplements is going to work wondes then go for it. But why take such an unnecessary risk. Cant you go out and have a good time without being slightly intoxicated? Take care and be safe!

Thanks for the input. I will abstain from alcohol during the balance of my cycle. :(

I guess I figured a few beers would be harmless...thanks for the info.!
I just finished 4 weeks of 25mg ed naposims and I took the milk thistle and had two beers in 4 weeks and was worried about those when i drank them. good for you bro, stay away until your done. On that note, you guys think it's safe for me to start drinking again? Drinking to me is one, maybe two beers every other day or so.
Re: Thanks

DoseOfTruth said:
Liver hasn't hurt yet, but I don't want to go there.

I am on PaperVar 50 MG ED. I am on a low calorie diet trying to cut up. I have gained about 6-7 lbs. in 6 weeks but look much more lean and muscular.

There are no nerve endings in your liver. Your liver will not start to hurt. Sometimes the liver swells, creating pressure on other organs or the ab wall which is what causes pain.

Do not wait for pain to signal possible liver damage! Geez, that's bad advice.

Although I believe the liver can take a lot of abuse, grit it out and stay off the booze when on cycle. Sometimes soda water can give you that scratchy feeling in your throat like you're boozing it up with the guys. Better than plain water or colas. That's assuming you don't go the pot route.

G/L. I had the same sort of weight gains on Var/Ox yet looked much leaner. Surprised me because I didn't expect to gain scale weight. You know you're packing on nice dense muscle when that happens. That, and setting PRs on bench, etc.
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