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wife says no more gear cause baby is comming


New member
I dont know what to do I have been using for years now.

I have a baby on the way in like 2 weeks the wife wants all my gear gone out of the house,I can understand but what the hell am I going to do?

she dont want me using anymore,but if I need to she says I can do it after the baby is year or so older

any advise? or anyone been threw this?
Ill give you my adress for you to send the gear..But on the real you just need to have a good convo with her. Good luck
she says No gear while the baby is coming, but after the baby is born its okay? Sounds like retarded logic to me. Ask her why is it okay after and before but not while the baby is coming? I don't understand why she would be wanting you to quit. I'd ask her why before and after and what's the deal?
We had a long talk about this she says she is hoping if I stop for awhile that I wont need to start back up.

and with all the crap going down she dont want any problems

she says she needs me more then I need my gear.

I feel what she is saying but Im stuck with like 500 amps LOL and Im not flushing them down the toilet.

as far as a locker that wont work I still have to shoot up its bad enough I have to dig them out from under the ground if you know what I mean?
do you need the juice that bad? Maybe you should train natty for a while and relax and enjoy your baby and not have to worry about a strict diet and injecting... its not the end of the world
Maybe shes worried that you are going to do something to the baby. remember women get very protective towards theier new borns. In nature a female will die protecting her offspring. You just got to reassure her that all will be cool. You are probably better off runnning gear than going through PCT at this time. Talk it through,Bro. Good Luck
nzrodney said:
Maybe shes worried that you are going to do something to the baby. remember women get very protective towards theier new borns. In nature a female will die protecting her offspring. You just got to reassure her that all will be cool. You are probably better off runnning gear than going through PCT - post cycle therapy - at this time. Talk it through,Bro. Good Luck

Maybe explain that point to the wife?

Tell her that when you come off you have to take drugs that mess with your mood a lot more than steroids do. So you're more stable on steroids than while coming off them. :)
No I dont need it that bad :) I really dont I mean its my first child and I can stop for awhile and still train,but to be honest when he comes shit I might not even have time to train LOL but you are right Im gonna want to spend most of my time with him,Man I would never want to do anything to my son I know theres some carzy people out there but I am not one of them

I have been waiting all my life for this,if she wants me to get rid of my gear then thats what Ill do I dont want her to have to worrie about anything crazy with my son.

Thanks alot
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