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What do you think of this regimen to start?


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What do you think?

My doctor has me on 700mg of Test (350 x 2) per week

I'm on 0.6mg of Genotropin daily

2.5mg of Femara once a week

1mg of Finasteride daily

Vit B12 1000mg once a month


I'm on a truck load of supplements as well

Multi vitamins (high end pre-natal w/ fish oil) Double dose daily

10mg Accutane daily

Vitamin D3 5,000IU daily

2 Capsules of Lovaza daily (key item)

Calcium and magnesium 1000/500 daily

2 caps of pro biotic digestion bacteria daily


I started this around August 15th of last month (2013)

Everytime I go to the gym to lift I feel amazing, I get 20lbs stronger every day, so good progress..

I am 6' 247lbs (mostly fat) I need to trim up and I am not sure if I should be getting bigger faster? Getting my meds from a pharmacy really makes me confident and patient in what I am doing. I am starting from a sedentary mark in my life.

What should I expect? What else can I do?

I am thinking of asking my doctor for Cytomel (generic levothyroxine) aka T3 to accelerate the fat loss. The Genotropin wasn't as magical with the fat loss as I had hoped it would be.

The one key thing with the Genotropin is that I NEVER get sore. I go nuts in the gym til I am out of gas and I'm ready to go the next day.

So... What do you think?
Tis true.. I was talking to some friends at the school gym today about how unhelpful your replies were.. I guess I just shouldn't tell people about my regimen prescribed or not.

But for that other guy.. yeah my doctor is the bomb. It helps not looking like Rambo when requesting the dosage. My doctor also doesn't accept insurance.

I feel like cytomel would really help me...
If your having problem losing weight its generally due to underlying deficiencies in nutrition. However before you can begin to look there you need to make sure you dont have any pathogens in your intestinal tract. They can live there for years and cause no outward serious symptoms. But they add stress to the body, steal our nutrients and in some cases totally hijack various cycles in the system. Intestinal pathogens can also be the cause of jacked up natural hormones. The fact you need TRT to begin with would be indication enough to dig deeper and see if there is a root cause.

When the human body is running at 100% losing fat should be easily done without a bunch of added drugs.
Thanks for that...

I actually just read another New York times article last night that stated that a study conducted on mice showed that there are variances in bacterial contents in the guts of fat and skinny mice.

The study took the bacteria from the skinny mouse and replaced it in the fat mouse and the fat mouse became skinny. This was accomplished with a "fecal transplant".

When the bacteria was taken from fat mice and infused into the skinny mouse's digestive system, the "fat" mouse's bacteria would not overtake the skinny mouse's. Unlike the results of the alternative.

I'm not sure what to do about my probiotic solution. I am wondering if I should take an anti-biotic (I never take them when they are prescribed) for like 30 days and find the best probiotic on the market and replace my gut.

Any ideas on probiotic solutions?

(Couldn't include the link from the story yet)
Thanks for that...

I actually just read another New York times article last night that stated that a study conducted on mice showed that there are variances in bacterial contents in the guts of fat and skinny mice.

The study took the bacteria from the skinny mouse and replaced it in the fat mouse and the fat mouse became skinny. This was accomplished with a "fecal transplant".

When the bacteria was taken from fat mice and infused into the skinny mouse's digestive system, the "fat" mouse's bacteria would not overtake the skinny mouse's. Unlike the results of the alternative.

I'm not sure what to do about my probiotic solution. I am wondering if I should take an anti-biotic (I never take them when they are prescribed) for like 30 days and find the best probiotic on the market and replace my gut.

Any ideas on probiotic solutions?

(Couldn't include the link from the story yet)

Personally I use custom probiotics, one of the best I have found.

I would not just take antibiotics willy nilly, if at all. Most intestinal bugs are actually quite resilient and have built up a resistance so they are only about 70% effective. Additionally the antibiotic needs to be effective specifically against what it is you have. There are worms, protazoa, fungis and bacteria. You need to use the right product for the cure.

The strange thing with intestinal pathogens is that they can cause a myriad of sumptoms, many not even related to your intestinal tract. They eat your food and shit in your system so that you have to deal with the waste. They can raise the bodies c-reactive protien leves and cause systemic inflammation that affects adrenals, thyroid, heart and lungs.

Whats really sad is that most medical practitioners wont even look for this kind of stuff unless you are suffering from sever issues directly related (ie stuff like ulcers etc).

I honestly believe that so many of our health problems are due to having these parasites within us for years. If you want to go down the road of ruling that out google genova diagnostics, metametrix or doctros data. They are all labs who do extensive GI testing.
Interestingly, my HCRP is like 6.3 last time we checked. I'd bet this is my problem. My inflammation is definitely a huge concern. I have to deal with the effects like high blood pressure and fatigue. My doctor uses metametrix, so now that I am on the sweet supplement diet, I can look for the cause of my problems. I am taking a nutrition class at my college and we discussed colon hydrotherapy today. I guess the y wipe out your old bacteria and replace the flora with some custom mix.

My intestinal problems are going to be my focus going forward.

Thanks for this info, obviously just what I needed as far as a focus.
Interestingly, my HCRP is like 6.3 last time we checked. I'd bet this is my problem. My inflammation is definitely a huge concern. I have to deal with the effects like high blood pressure and fatigue. My doctor uses metametrix, so now that I am on the sweet supplement diet, I can look for the cause of my problems. I am taking a nutrition class at my college and we discussed colon hydrotherapy today. I guess the y wipe out your old bacteria and replace the flora with some custom mix.

My intestinal problems are going to be my focus going forward.

Thanks for this info, obviously just what I needed as far as a focus.

The average couch potatoes doesnt have anything to gauge against so when they get over run with pathogens they dont really know it.

Conversely Athletes/gym rats seem to have a unique insight into their bodies. We goto the gym regularly and when things arent right we know it right away, we see the results in how we recover and how we perform.

Its unfortunate but going to the doc and saying im not recovering as fast as I should, not gaining mass or losing fat like I should or not making gains like I should they will blow us off or look everywhere but in our guts.

Truth be told pathogens cause systemic inflammation and stress out bodies. Maybe not enough for us to notice outright like when we have a cold or the flu, but the stress is there and over time it all ads up.

Ive read that there are approx 1000 pathogens that can live in the human body and modern tests can really only accuratly identify about 45. So even if you get a metamatrix test done and it comes back negative you still could be infested with bug. If nothing else the test does give you a target to go after.

google humaworm for example and read some of the logs by people who have used it and their symptoms that led them to try it and other natural cures. I actually just started a 30 day run of humaworm today, im curious to see how it goes.

Many of those folks are far worse off than the average gym rat but as I mentioned I think we are more in tune with our bodies and realize something is wrong long before the average person does. That means we can get a head start on going after pathogens instead of waiting around for more serious problems to arise.
700mg testosterone is not going to help lose any fat. Why did your doctor feel the need to put you on that much?
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