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Training while sore


New member
Do you guys ever skip a workout due to soreness? What if the soreness isn't related to training? I'm going to go skiing for the first time this year tomorrow, and I have a workout the day after that. I figure my entire body will probably be sore....should I workout anyway?

Any comments are appreciated,

Is there no edit button?

Anyway, I wanted to edit the previous post and ask also if there any supplements that might help with this?


I would definatley lift after skiing. I love lifting when I'm sore, it often helps get ride of the soreness. I don't know what supps are out there to combat soreness but I do know a bananna will help. It fights the lactic acid that builds up in your muscles(thats why you get sore).
Take a painkiller, and get back into the gym. I never miss a workout due to soreness. Now if I was on a trip skiing for a week, I might wait till I got back to resume training, but get back to it asap. I don't even skip when I am sick.

If you have never been skiing, you will be a sore SOB. But it is the most fun you can have with your pants on.

Have a blast.

I wouldnt lift if your really sore. I am one of those used to be die hards that went to the gym no matter what. Now days if am not well or not feeling up to it, or hell gotta do something important with the kids i dont go. And when i go back i just continue like i didnt leave. I dont try to make it up, that just puts you behind. Fuckin skip it. It aint gonna hurt ya. Now when i am in contest mode like now, i will go. I must. Especially if the day is what i am competeing in. Like last week i was sick, i skipped back. But i went half ass on thurs cause my tri's asked me to go for them! They felt like they could do a little work. So i let them!

Fellows the gym isnt life or death, and in the big scheme of life you really hurt nothing by taking off occasionally.

After a meet, like if its a bench meet , i bench on mondays, i just skip that following monday, and resume light on the rest of the week. Then back at it next week. Full power i take off pretty much a week after the meet, completely off, no lifting. I am worthless after anyway.
i wouldn't worry about it. Its a vacation , take a break . If you absolutely have to go then just take it easy and get the blood flowing.
I would try to get a workout in, even if it is just a light one/flushing or recuperative. It will help you recuperate better. Who knows you may not be that sore, I guess you'll have to see after you go skiing.
i would feel like a pussy if i missed a workout... if im really sick i wont workout.. but if i have a cold or something i do..

i was alwasy led to believe never train a muslce that iss till sore....and hasent recovered from the last time training it..

im always sore as hell..
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