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Test E susta wino Tren GH slin Cycle need opinion


New member
hello everyone

this is the first time that i post i have been reading a lot here about bodybuilding and it is amazing very helpful

now i need your opinion on this cycle

my current stats are :
age 24
height 6ft4
weight 242
bf% 10 12%
been training for 6 years now

my last cycle was test E 750MG Susta 750MG and Deca 300MG
(never doing deca again!!!)

been off cycle for 3 months done pct (clomid HCG Nolva )and run blood test and semen test ( if thats how you call it) everything is fine and im ready to do another cycle

now i need ur opinions about it any helpful tips anything would be appreciate it

im thinking of running 4 week Test E 1000MG susta 1000mg
Week 4 to 8 Test E 1000MG Susta 1000MG and GH Somatropine 4IU/D
week 8 to 16 susta 1000MG Winstrol 50MG/D tren 400MG GH 4IU/D now about the insulin i was thinking 10iu humaloge post workout once i start GH

nolvadex on hand and from week 1 till week 16 HCG 500IU/WEEK

also i have a good supply of proviron so any ideas when to use for benefits

Thank you.
well actually i do 250mg EOD so basically it would be like Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday (1000mg/w) Tuesday Thursday Saturday (750mg/w) and so on :)
Dude that's insane, if I'm reading it correctly you going to take 1750mgs a week, why? Why eod I'm not sure i understand your logic here
guys that is im here to make the most out of my cycle what i was thinking that when i start lets say monday i inject 250mg of Test and susta and do that EOD for 4 weeks if you think it is too much what do you recommend ?
hello everyone

this is the first time that i post i have been reading a lot here about bodybuilding and it is amazing very helpful

now i need your opinion on this cycle

my current stats are :
age 24
height 6ft4
weight 242
bf% 10 12%
been training for 6 years now

my last cycle was test E 750MG Susta 750MG and Deca 300MG
(never doing deca again!!!)

been off cycle for 3 months done pct (clomid HCG Nolva )and run blood test and semen test ( if thats how you call it) everything is fine and im ready to do another cycle

now i need ur opinions about it any helpful tips anything would be appreciate it

im thinking of running 4 week Test E 1000MG susta 1000mg
Week 4 to 8 Test E 1000MG Susta 1000MG and GH Somatropine 4IU/D
week 8 to 16 susta 1000MG Winstrol 50MG/D tren 400MG GH 4IU/D now about the insulin i was thinking 10iu humaloge post workout once i start GH

nolvadex on hand and from week 1 till week 16 HCG 500IU/WEEK

also i have a good supply of proviron so any ideas when to use for benefits

Thank you.

Hell, i don't even run that much....and we do not discuss insulin here. More is not necessary better.
What a disaster. Enjoy you lipids after that mess.
what do u suggest... thats why im here ! if u read correctly im asking you guys for you opinion how much u think should i take ??
bro this is a huge mess... you are dosing everything way too high and running just way too much shit for ANY age, especially yours... your not doing yourself any favors for you future bro and that's scary... you MUST lose the more is better concept that you have going on in your mind right now because its clear that's your mentality and that is NOT A GOOD THING... There is no need at all to exceed 500 mg a week of sust... its fine to run winstrol with it but bro, HGH at 24? That's ridiculous... The insulin talk should never occur... I don't even like hearing it for people competing... Your pct is absolutely terrible... here is a proper pct...


forma stanzol
daa powerchews or powder



clomid 25/25/25/25

ostarine 25 mg day

You really need to change the way you are doing things or you are going to cause permanent damage...

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
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