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T3 catabolic during PCT?

Vascular Freak said:
Damn Wulf, you spit the thoughts right out of my head. I wouldn't mind trying it since I would rather lose a little muscle during PCT than still losing muscle and gaining a little fat. I would use it at 25mcg since I am only 185 lbs, and am currently eating 2-3 g or protein per ed anyhow.

When would you start the t3 in relation to HCG clomid nolva etc?

just start the T-3 about 7 days before your scheduled stop AAS day and continue it throughout your PCT. If you adhere to the 2 day on 2 day off routine with 25 mcg per day u will not have any suppression problems. :coffee:
Based on my past experience.. I would NEVER use t3 w/o AS... Especially not for PCT. Looks all nice and dandy on paper.. but honestly, do you guys REALLY want to risk 12+ weeks of hard earned muscle because a "possible" way of cortisol suppression...
Brings me back to the days when Nelson Montana proposed Herbal PCT and everyone started to jump on the bandwagon.. Why fix something if it ain't broken?
TraxZBT said:
Based on my past experience.. I would NEVER use t3 w/o AS... Especially not for PCT. Looks all nice and dandy on paper.. but honestly, do you guys REALLY want to risk 12+ weeks of hard earned muscle because a "possible" way of cortisol suppression...
Brings me back to the days when Nelson Montana proposed Herbal PCT and everyone started to jump on the bandwagon.. Why fix something if it ain't broken?
bro its not a bandwagon and its really not that revolutionary. It is mearly a way to get the body to absorb the additional nutrients that need to be supplied to the newly aquired muscle tissue. IMHO this is a very important part of the pCT...actually teaching the body to hold onto the new mass by upregulating metabolic function.
TraxZBT said:
Based on my past experience.. I would NEVER use t3 w/o AS... Especially not for PCT. Looks all nice and dandy on paper.. but honestly, do you guys REALLY want to risk 12+ weeks of hard earned muscle because a "possible" way of cortisol suppression...
Brings me back to the days when Nelson Montana proposed Herbal PCT and everyone started to jump on the bandwagon.. Why fix something if it ain't broken?

I'm not "hate'n" bro but how could t3 waste that much muscle if you only use it at low dose, and are getting a solid stream of nutrients every 1h30m to 2 hours.

If one took t3 and didn't eat/supplement enough I can see a catabolic disaster but if you keep protein atleast 2g/lb and supplement with bcaa's etc it seems it would help assimilate all the protein/fats/carbs and help restore hormone levels by "speeding" up the system in a way.
Okay let's start over again. Since Wulfgar has decided to start a let's lose our mass campaign on Elite, I will post on all of these threads.


T3 is catabolic by way of what it does to your metabolism. Once you jack up your thyroid with T3 you are going to burn off muscle along with fat. The only thing that will stem that is increased protein synthesis. That's what you get from steroids, increase protein synthesis. When you don't have the steroids present, like during PCT, you will lose that mass you just put on during your cycle. So your advice is for people to use T3 and burn off the muscle they just spent a cycle gaining.

Eating more protein won't stop it. The proteins syntheis needs to be accerated to match what the T3 is doing. Otherwise you'll just waste the protein into your toilet.

As most people have found out, and are posting on this thread, you will be sorry if you follow Wulfgar's advice. The only saving grace for those who try using T3 without AS is that you'll see within a few weeks that your lifts are all going down quickly and you can taper off and save what's left. The loss is very rapid and easily determined.
Yes. You can do it with 20-30mg of var depending on your T3 dosing.
Not to hi-jack the thread, but I had a T3 related question. Ive been contemplating scooping some up and giving it a run since I have never tried it before, however right now I can get a couple bottles of T4 for free...

Whats the pro's and con's of using T4 instead of straight T3? Isnt T4 just converted to T3 in the body?

Or would it be better for me to go ahead and just scoop up some straight T3?

Thanks in advance for the thoughts :coffee:
Ulter said:
Okay let's start over again. Since Wulfgar has decided to start a let's lose our mass campaign on Elite, I will post on all of these threads.


T3 is catabolic by way of what it does to your metabolism. Once you jack up your thyroid with T3 you are going to burn off muscle along with fat. The only thing that will stem that is increased protein synthesis. That's what you get from steroids, increase protein synthesis. When you don't have the steroids present, like during PCT, you will lose that mass you just put on during your cycle. So your advice is for people to use T3 and burn off the muscle they just spent a cycle gaining.

Eating more protein won't stop it. The proteins syntheis needs to be accerated to match what the T3 is doing. Otherwise you'll just waste the protein into your toilet.

As most people have found out, and are posting on this thread, you will be sorry if you follow Wulfgar's advice. The only saving grace for those who try using T3 without AS is that you'll see within a few weeks that your lifts are all going down quickly and you can taper off and save what's left. The loss is very rapid and easily determined.
I beleive you are jumping the gun here.
I am not recommending high dose T3 use PCT. The bodies normal T3 output averages 25-30 mcg daily. 50 mcg is hardly enough T3 to notice some type of massive catabolic occurance. Especially when done in a 2 day on 2 day off protocol. this mearly keeps the metabolism accelerated to a point just higher than the user would have been without the T3 use.
Rememeber action/reaction factors?
during cycle most guys eat tremendous amounts of macronutrients in an attempt to gain lean body mass. The body is being barraged by anabolic growth factors. When the cycle is completed and the body then attempts homeostasis estrogen AND cortisol levels are immediately jacked up to try to burn off the newly aquired mass.
this explains why most gys feel lethargic and not all that hungry post cycle.
simple rule. if one does not absorb enough amino acids during this time to support the newly aquired muscle he will lose it. Hopefully most bros are using some form of cortisol control along with thier anti-E's and HPTA restimulating stuff.
the Low dose T3 is VERY effective @ keeping the metabolic rate to a point where consuming AND absorbing enough food during this critical time is possible.
on another note, during PCT when cortisol and estogen are suppressed it takes very little anabolism to keep growth stimulated. alot of the proported "loss" people assume that would happen when using T3 post cycle in a low dose manner is actually adipose tissue being burned off. Since as long as proper nutrition(primarily protein, i can name countless articles proporting the muscle sparing effects of a high protien intake) and training protocol are followed. the body would never preferentially burn muscle tissue. It coulnt..catabolism is being SUPRESSED in favor of anabolism.
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