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Splitting up chest and triceps?


New member
I've always thought it was logical to workout chest and triceps on the same day since you're already using triceps for most chest exercises.

However, recently I was thinking that maybe it'd be better to split them up so that my triceps would be more rested when I isolate them. Is this true?
(same question for back and biceps)

Also, if I do split them up which day should I do dips on?
Cardinal234 said:
I've always thought it was logical to workout chest and triceps on the same day since you're already using triceps for most chest exercises.

However, recently I was thinking that maybe it'd be better to split them up so that my triceps would be more rested when I isolate them. Is this true?
(same question for back and biceps)

Also, if I do split them up which day should I do dips on?

Its always good to switch things up. You could do chest/bis and back/tris, leaving two days in between. Yes, its true that you'll be able to get the most work out of your tris if their better rested. Ive recently switched to an all arm(bis/tris) day. Im able to use more weight on both.
Doing them with Bis on their own day seems to be the best option when doing one bodypart a week. As far as dips go, you can do them both days. You should know already that leaning forward hits the chest more, going straight up and down isolates the triceps
I do tri's after shoulders but still have a tricep only day. But still spaced out between my chest and shoulder days for rest. Just keep mixing and matching to find what works for you.
I work triceps on chest day and on arms day. On arm day I do CG bench and other while on chest day, I do much less to finish them off. I require a great amount of volume to grow and don't get sore, you may not be the same.
I've been doing triceps with my back workout, and then doing biceps with chest for a while, and I feel a lot fresher doing this. I find that my biceps and triceps are still fresh enough to get a really heavy workout in this way, without compromising my compound lifts for chest and back.
big4life said:
I've been doing triceps with my back workout, and then doing biceps with chest for a while, and I feel a lot fresher doing this. I find that my biceps and triceps are still fresh enough to get a really heavy workout in this way, without compromising my compound lifts for chest and back.

That's what I do, with 2 days rest in between, as previously mentioned. Except that since I've been cutting I'm finding it tough to go through with both chest and bis in the same workout. I'll start off really strong w/chest but by the time I get through a couple sets of bis I'm pretty burnt and weak. Thus I'm considering splitting up chest and bis and lifting 5 days/week instead of 4 (bis after back/tri day and 1 day rest before chest). Would this be better or should I just suck it up and do chest and bis on the same day to preserve the extra rest day? I hate having weak bicep workouts!!! Big, strong guns are the bread and butter of every man's ego!

Speaking of bread and butter, god I want some! I'm fuckin sick of chicken and tuna. But not feeling the cold metal of my beltbuckle against my over-hanging gut as I sit down is totally worth it :p
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Beachbum1546 said:
if i train chest on tuesday and shoulders on friday, what day should it train tris?

Depends on what parts need the most work. For example, my chest is a weak point and my shoulders and tris are both strong points, so I use this split:

Sun- Chest
Tues- Back
Wed- Shoulders (only one pressing movement- laterals/raises for the rest)
Thurs- Arms
Fri- Legs

The nice thing is I get a little chest pump on both shoulder and arm day due to overhead presses and cg bench.

So... what are you trying to emphasize?
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