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Approved Log RoidRage69 Cutting Log


Weight 256.1


Hammer Strength Mid Row 1-Arm
Cable Lat Pulldown Close Neutral Grip
Reverse Grip Row Machine
Hammer Strength Standing Shrugs
Hammer Strength Pulldown 1-Arm
Rear Delt Machine
Bicep Machine Hammer Curl Freemotion
Treadmill 18min

Was planning to go in and do deadlifts today, but the shoulder was angry from close grip bench on Saturday. Will most likely on do close grip bench 2 times per month and change the order of back and chest workouts and switch them around so Deadlifts are always at least a day before any benching.

Also started my cutting cycle today and increased my semaglutide. Current PED dosage:
300mg Test
300mg EQ
200mg Masteron
10mg Cialis lifting days only
1mg Semaglutide
20mg S-23
10mg LGD-4033

Weight 256.1


Hammer Strength Mid Row 1-Arm
Cable Lat Pulldown Close Neutral Grip
Reverse Grip Row Machine
Hammer Strength Standing Shrugs
Hammer Strength Pulldown 1-Arm
Rear Delt Machine
Bicep Machine Hammer Curl Freemotion
Treadmill 18min

Was planning to go in and do deadlifts today, but the shoulder was angry from close grip bench on Saturday. Will most likely on do close grip bench 2 times per month and change the order of back and chest workouts and switch them around so Deadlifts are always at least a day before any benching.

Also started my cutting cycle today and increased my semaglutide. Current PED dosage:
300mg Test
300mg EQ
200mg Masteron
10mg Cialis lifting days only
1mg Semaglutide
20mg S-23
10mg LGD-4033
@RoidRage69 Cutting cycle is looking like the real deal but I dont see the need for s23 in this cycle
all else looks perfect imo

Weight 254.1


Close Grip Bench
Reverse Grip Freemotion Chest Press
Cable X-over Flys
Dip Machine
Tricep Pushdowns Double-D
DB Kickbacks
Ab Machine
Treadmill 24min
great update
@RoidRage69 Cutting cycle is looking like the real deal but I dont see the need for s23 in this cycle
all else looks perfect imo
Just trying it out. I think I am the type that can gain on pretty much anything. I can look at a pizza and bottle of test and grow. LOL.
Roid our cycle is damn near identical, except I have primo instead of mast
I eventually will try out primo as an anti estrogen maybe. I like the way masteron makes me feel so I get the best of both worlds. Incredible bedroom benefits and anti estrogen. Its definitely a lot stronger than Primo that's for sure and much cheaper. I get incredibly aggressive in the gym which is what I am looking for. My heavy training needs the extra push in order to continue to build size while in a massive cal deficit. The only downside I get from it is cramping in my traps. Need to up the magnesium to near diarrhea levels to help it. At least that is what my doctor told me a long time ago. Seems to work though. Heck I am already constipated anyway from the semaglutide so it will be a benefit.

Weight 255.9

Morning Fasted Cardio
StairMaster 20min
Treadmill 50min

Thinking about stoping the sarms altogether and bumping my masteron to the same mg amount as my test and eq. 300mg of each. Think it would be less stress on my body and get better results. The extra 100mg of mast should also help with A.I. since I don't use any as I believe they hinder gains.

So basically run 300mg each of Test, Mast, EQ for 16 weeks and starting week#6 start Tbol 30mg for 5 weeks and then switch over to anavar 50mg for the final 5 weeks.

Weight 255.9

Morning Fasted Cardio
StairMaster 20min
Treadmill 50min

Thinking about stoping the sarms altogether and bumping my masteron to the same mg amount as my test and eq. 300mg of each. Think it would be less stress on my body and get better results. The extra 100mg of mast should also help with A.I. since I don't use any as I believe they hinder gains.

So basically run 300mg each of Test, Mast, EQ for 16 weeks and starting week#6 start Tbol 30mg for 5 weeks and then switch over to anavar 50mg for the final 5 weeks.
@RoidRage69 stop the sarms and increase masteron but careful still need an AI
@RoidRage69 stop the sarms and increase masteron but careful still need an AI
I guess I can lower the dose and just go 200mg of all three compounds and see how it goes. Decided I won’t use any orals either. If I did decide to use tamoxifen how low a dose would I be able to start with?
Going to add 10mg tamoxifen to the cycle. Will go in and get labs done next week and test for my Test, IGF-1, and E2 levels to see how the cycle is responding. Going to stay at 200mg of each for Test, Mast, and EQ for now. Can always bump up dosages later if need be. I think less is more in my goals. Will be much less stress on my system with fewer sides. Will also start adding Cardarine and Ostarine to cycle starting today. Will not take Tbol or Anavar for now. If I felt great half way through the cycle I suppose I could add one of those.
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