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Proposed next cycle...


New member
Stats: 34, 5'9" 210lbs 15bf.
Several cycles under my belt, including 3 with tren e or tren a. I prefer the longer esters.

wk 1-10 test e 500mgs/wk
wk 1-8 tren E 400mgs/wk
wk 1-4 tbol 50mgs/wk
wk 1-12 12.5mgs/day Exemestane (if needed)
wk 1-15 N2 Gaurd
wk 1-15 HCGenerate or Bridge(dbl dosed)

wk 10-16 Forma stanzol
wk 11-15 Unleashed/Post Cycle
wk 11-15 Clomid 25mgs/day
wk 11-15 Need2Slin
wk 11-15 Gear
wk 11-? Bridge (till I run out)

Please feel free to critique/advise.

I was also thinking of possibly cutting the doses in half to see how I respond. To see if I get less side from the Tren. Although my sides aren't generally that bad. I just get more aggravated than usual.:D
Like it, good cycle and especially good PCT

Looks good, I would up the test, I never liked 500mg/week, I would bump it to 750mg, especially with 400mg of Tren in there. That's just my opinion. I would also use the aromasin throughout, no need for estrogen buildup.
do not lower the tren, up the test or keep it as is...solid fuckin cycle u got there.. run into any dick sides run some cabergoline and it fix it..but you shouldnt have any sides the cycle is mild but efficient
do not lower the tren, up the test or keep it as is...solid fuckin cycle u got there.. run into any dick sides run some cabergoline and it fix it..but you shouldnt have any sides the cycle is mild but efficient

Last time I ran a similar cycle to this with the tren & test I didn't have any dic problems... I wore my girl out. But I'll grab some cabergoline just in case.
if u didnt then dont worry about it..waste of 50$$ ,if ya need it order it many sites have it dirt cheap and fast ta
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