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Need help with shoulder pain!


New member
hi guys,
the title says it all, last week i tweaked my shoulder. I am getting pain just in between the front delt and middle delt. so took 6 days off and been taking ibuprofen and icing it every night. Its getting better, however my question is what to do to keep if off. also i been doing some rehab work to strengthen it. i would really appreciate if someone can help me. thanks. also i train my chest/shoulder together and pretty much do compound exercises.
I suffer from genetically lose shoulder joints and am prone to excruciatingly painful shoulder dislocations on both shoulders.

I posted this on a few years ago and I think it might help you:

Some Shoulder Rehab work that i did - Forums

Download the .doc and have a look at it.

Ask me questions after you've read it and gone through the links I posted in that thread. They're all very important.

I would suggest you go to a physiotherapist because I am not a doctor and all I can do is give you information as per what my experiences have been.

If you have shoulder issues you need to be very careful with what you do OUTSIDE of the gym. Even simple things like how you wear your shirt or how your elbow/arm/shoulder is angled when you punch someone can make a huge difference.

You'll have to focus on strict overhead pressing to keep the shoulder girdle firm.

Do not do any shoulder mobility exercises because they will end up worsening the injury.

Do more overhead pressing than bench pressing in general.

Work your back a lot more than you are. Do lots and lots of pull-ups, heavy dumbbell rows, cable rows and facepulls. Facepulls are a life saver.

When you do side lateral raises (which you should lay off for a while in the first place) keep your thumbs facing upward and your arms 20degrees or so ahead of your body. At no time should the strain of the movement fall on the joint. And don't do these for some time because a build-up of lots of lactic acid will also loosen the joint.

Read the link I posted and everything in it. It's very important.

Also, see a doctor. A physiotherapist or a sports injury doctor.

Hope you heal up soon!
mate ur a life saver.. just some questions:
wat would u recommend as gud shoulder/chest workout? i have been doing dumbbell on both parts and maxed out on shoulder/chest, so changed it barbell and then the pain started. here's my current workout if that helps:
decline press(feels a bit pain when doin)
incline press
flat flyes(should change it to incline)
machine press(does fill a stretch in my right shoulder when go under 90 degree
lateral raises
rear raises

regarding back, i hit it pretty hard and well developed.
Did you read the thread I linked above? You should.

Drop all chest work for the moment. Focus on shoulders for the next month. Then come back to chest work. Also, do back training 2x a week for now.

So, here's the thing:

Standing Strict Barbell Military Press
Standing Unilateral Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Band Pullaparts

That is what you should be doing on that day.
The machine presses, specifically smith machine if that is the machine press you listed could be the cause besides possible imbalances between your pushing and pulling muscles.

Even more so if something like smith machine behind neck press.

I tweaked my left shoulder as a teen doing barbel behind neck press and letting the bar stray too far back. It doesn't take much to put too much load on the rotator cuff.

Personally I'd lay off all upper body work until it feels 100% to you, then start back in at like 50% weight and build it up.

Keep an eye on your db flyes cuz you can tweak your shoulder with those too.
just a update, went to doctor today and he said that i got brachialis tendonitis and told me to take 2 weeks off. i think thats the reason i am having pain when i curl heavy. i am going to drop upper body training altogether till it heals up, jus gonna do cardio and some leg work. the doctor also suggested not to do any rehab work. thanks guys for your help. i thinking of this routine for further reference, wat u guys think??

incline barbell press
cable flyes
smith press
upright rows
The doctor said not to do any rehab work period?

he said not to workout at all and when i asked him any kind of light weight rehab, he said no so... just couple of questions, if someone can answer it would be great,here it goes
a.what you guys think of wide grip decline/incline press, would that take some stress of shoulder??
b. ez curls instead of normal curls, less stress on forarms??
c. smith shoulder press or dumbbell press, i find it hard to progress on dumbbell press, just hit plateau on 35kg each dumbbells.
One second. He said don't do any lifting for 2 weeks and yet you want to do all these exercises? You retarded?
One second. He said don't do any lifting for 2 weeks and yet you want to do all these exercises? You retarded?

no mate, I am not working out my upper body!! currently i am just doing leg press,abs and cardio, thats it!! the reason i was asking was to get the facts right and not to injure myself again..
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