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Approved Log My Testosterone Deca Anadrol Bulk Cycle Log

Hi all this is my bulk cycle log supported by the legend Alpha Labs.

Im a 37 year old Aussie male coming off a cut from 115kg to 99kg. The goal of the cycle is to put on as much muscle as possible and break a few PRs along the way.

The cycle is going to be fairly simple, open to any tweaks from the community. Summary below of the

Weeks 1 to 4:

500mg test e weekly split over two shots
500mg deca e weekly split over two shots
50mg anadrol oral daily

Weeks 5 to 8:

500mg test e weekly split over 2 shots
500mg deca weekly split over two shots

Weeks 9 to 12:

500mg test e weekly split over two shots
500mg deca weekly split over two shots
50mg anadrol daily

Will keep a eye on e2 and add an ai as required. Will also be incorporating a multivitamin and some taurine as i tend to suffer from unintended painful shin and back pumps.

Post cycle ill be moving into a 250mg of test e a week cruise.

I have always bulked using test, tren and mast in the past so deca and anadrol will be a first for me. Im hoping given how well I tolerate the sides of other compounds ill do ok with this cycle.

Some goals for the cycle to keep myself honest:

Increase 10RM bench from 150kg to 180kg
Increase weight from 99kg to 110kg

Starting pic below, will be posting weekly updates including progress shots once the gear arrives
Nice start. Keep it coming so we can help you
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