Hit back and cardio today!
30 mins light jogging treadmill
- ISO low row machine isolation 220lbs up 10lbs 3x15
- Behind the back shrugs 165lbs up 10lbs 4x12
- Seated lat pull downs 160lbs 4x15 up in reps
- Wide grip preacher curls (short head) 105lbs 3x10 up in reps dropset 75lbs 1x25
- Chest supported tbar rows trap grip 100lbs up 5lbs 3x12 up in reps drop set 75lbs 1x20
- Incline bench cable lat pull overs 110lbs 3x12 up in reps dropset 80lbs 1x15
- Hammer curls 25lbs 3x30 up in reps dropset 20lbs 1x40
30 min stairclimber moderate speed.
Workout was great! My endurance during cardio has gone up. I was able to increase speed on stairclimber today.
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Very happy with my back results from this past cycle.
This was my post workout meal. Also has a protein shake and banana right after my workout.
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Diet Coke, 100 calories beef jerky, decided to change up my hummus recipe. Finished it with Korean beef sweetened with stevia brown sugar so it’s no carb and super low calorie high protein.