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Lyles Rapid Fat loss log, part deux

Today ends up at

981 cals
41 g fat
22 g carbs
130 g prot

the higher fat content accounts for me adding the flax seed oil into the log...which I didn't yesterday
the calc does some crazy shit where it says its 120 total cals 122 of which are fat

Im seriously incredibly overstuffed again.

again I can't imagine doing this w/o doing it with IF
I will probably switch to the strict leangains method after this massive cut...which I haven't totally decided when I'll take a diet break on yet. The diet break is prescribed in the book/diet

Im not really seeing the need for the "free meal" in all of this but maybe my mood towards it will change by the weekend.
actually really unhappy about not having anything I consider tastey today...skipped egg whites which I think was a mistake for satiety
wound up at
815 cals
14.6 g fat
21.3 g carbs which includes asparagus and garden salad
150.3 g prot..helping and a half of whey...vanilla/crappy brand ..covered in cinnamon today
Hit my macros yesterday
not going to bother posting them up today.
Had an intense craving yesterday then discovered fat free carb free (probably full of junk) ricotta cheese
mixed the ricotta with some vanilla whey 1/4 c to two scoops...added a table spoon of water because it was very thick..sprinkled cinnamon on it
OMG this was delicious and very filling...this will be my new go to "cheat"
for some reason Ive been walking around thinking about cinnamon for three days.

For carb-up day I intend to make protein fluff too but just to see how it comes out more than anything and so I don't obsess about the carbs from berries in it.

I also discovered a fat free but not carb free whipped creab that in its two tablespoon serving size was delightful on sugar free jello cups.
This kept my sanity last night when I was craving junk food.

down another lb since yesterday but my workout was really bad yesterday...I could only deadlift 165 lbs
I couldn't do any kettlebell workout as fast as I normally do.
Im not hitting the gym today because my schedule/daycare won't allow it.
Tomorrow I think Im gonna drink regular gatorade before my workout because some carbs are allowed pre-workout.

Im down a total of 8 lbs over 5 days...7 lbs of that were due to a carb up anyway the day before I started this.
I can't say the diet is torturous with good coping strategies but if it winds up being a lb lost over a weeks time I know my metabolism is seriously fucked and I'll have to re-strategize this whole thing. I really just wanted to get below a set point I've been stuck at for 6 years.
still going strong...was going to carb up today but changed my mind because Im not even remotely bothered/craving and my workout is maintaining

weight is dropping down from a carb up on friday...I hit 250 g of carbs on friday but not much else for macros :/...upped 2 lbs by the next morning..down a lb from that today

so, I'll see where my weight is at tomorrow morning for a full 7 days worth of this.
for the can make this amazingly diverse and tastey with the right food and seasoning choices.
Damn how you handling such low cals? I become a crazy bitch if i go too low
IDK, its not bugging me

I think im getting the fukin flu tho
Proud of you for making the whole week!! I hope the scale is kind.. ;)
the scale mysteriously went up this morning...I have to look over yesterdays logs but I suspect it has more to so with muscle swelling and a cup of chicken broth I had yesterday more than anything

the chicken broth isn't something I'd normally have but I was convinced I was dying yesterday and had a low grade fever

I hadn't touched a weight for several months and have it in my head I can hit it hard like I used to. Is this what a male ego is like?
Anyway...Im not going to stress about it because my hips were down a collasal two inches for the week and my waist was down 1.5 inches
calves stayed the same, thighs went up an's stayed the same forearms went up a .5 inch

this is all sounds like newbie style gains and some fat loss to me
not bad for no gear

on another tris, ass, outside of my thighs and lats (??!?) are killing me
also the front of my neck is killing me but I know what I did there...I was straining the hell out of my neck during a new (for me) exercise I was doing.

my ending weight for the week is two lbs higher than precarb up...Im not gonna sweat it. I'll push for another week and see where I'm at because I feel fine today.
I wouldn't sweat it either and the chicken broth likely equals sodium.

I had that same ego trip when I started back a few weeks ago. Right back to the same weights on my first workout and was hating it!! I've since backed it off. My chest was sore for almost a week. lol
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