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low me!


New member
fina for last couple weeks. but I have lately been having a problem keeping my energy up. all i want to do is sleep ALL the time. I get bursts of energy every now and again, but the last few time in the gym i haven't even felt like lifting. i know the fina is good, and i'm still on it. I just don't understand why my enegery is gone. i can sleep 14 hours straight and only get up because I know I gotta eat something.


600mg ALA 8:30am w/my oats
1g cranberry concentrate 8:30
multi-vitamin 8:30
protein shake w/double scoop 8:30

lunch is a high protein meal consisting of lots of meat. (pork, chicken, tuna, or a couple lean cheeseburgers)

dinner is another high protein meal. I'm not eating many vegetables (I never have my whole life actually). I also take another 1g of cranberry concentrate at dinner too.

drinking 1gallon of water/day.

I have a double scoop protein shake right after my workout.

I eat something healthy before bedtime too.

weight 150lbs. <10% bf.

I don't feel like I am eating enough right now. I can't ever seem to get full and my diet was a lot better a week ago. (i ate larger amounts). Now it just seems like there isn't enough food around that instrests me.

Am I not getting enough carbs? oats in the morning is about all i get. I was eating raisin bran w/bagel for about a week, but switched back to the oats. any suggestions?
hmmm....low carbs could be to blame here...

What does you cycle consist of? Just fina alone?

How many hours of sleep are you getting each night?

Are they good hours, or do you live next to a train or something?
Well, quite simply your diet is awefull. That'll do it. There may be other factors, but humans derrive thier energy from the foods we eat...mainly carbohydrate. No carbs=no energy.
drop the ala its making you go hypo.. i know it happened to me.
when i stopped taking it i was alive again and refreshed

fina only cycle.

6-8 hrs weeknights of sleep. 12-14hrs weekend nights sleep.
Have a 2yr old so my sleep is ALWAYS interrupted. FUCKING SUCKS!!

Thought I needed ALA for my liver.

My diet is aweful...I thought I was doing pretty good. i gained 10 pounds on this diet before I started fina. I think the ala might be fucking with my energy more than anything. But I need it for my liver.

Maybe I should just eat more carbes in the morning and for lunch. and eat some right before bed.
I think it's a combination of getting just barely enough sleep (6-8 hours is kinda low for some people) and being woken up by your need REM sleep to really regenerate...and periodic interruptions prevent REM sleep.

Carbs are essential for energy as some whey and flax seed oil in the morning, along with your egg whites and oatmeal...maybe a couple slices of bread as well...that could help ya out.

Keep taking ALA.
eat more carbs
eat more food in general

in the simplest words... ala increases your 'food storage' capacity (hence your increase in appetite), so eat more.
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