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Hair loss problems still continuing – please help

British Bulldog

New member
Guys, I finished my cycle 6 months ago & my hair thinned out a lot. I was using no precautions (I know im an idiot). What I noticed was that the hair I was loosing was new baby hair, probably indicating DHT strangling the follicles & causing the hair to fall before reaching its maturity.

So I started using 1% Nizarol shampoo + 5% minoxidil 4 months ago. Also I started 1.25mg per day of proscar/propecia 2 months ago. However, 4 months into this treatment I have noticed a lot more shedding of the NEW baby hair compared to before. Good thing is that I have not lost anymore-existing hair.

Why am I still loosing baby hair?

Also, I am switching from minoxidil to 12.5% Xandrox & adding in some spiralactonone.
You're on the right track, the spironolactone stopped my loss as soon as I started it.
Maybe give it a little more time, i got off rogain for like 2 months and my hair was falling out faster than an etheopian chicken. Then i started soaking my hair in it for like 2 or 3 months, and finally it got better, maybe its taking your body a little time to respond to it.

just a thought

I've heard many times that you'll lose the baby hairs when the stuff starts kicking in. You should be on track for some new growth.
According to, some people experience an increase in shedding when using minoxidil. When this happens, it's supposed to be getting rid of the dead hair and is an indication that you are responding to it. I think the Sprironolactone is a good idea too, but maybe it's just the minoxidil doing its thing.
You maybe right - before the baby hair were much smaller & thinner. They now appear to be thicker & slightly longer. So I hope it is working.

Even if it doesnt, at least I would have tried every thing.

Id rather me huge with a skinhead than a skinny little queer with a full head of hear.
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