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grassed up by colleague for grabbing free protein drink!

I have not "beat anyone up" since I was in 5th grade. Nowadays, I am old enough to know if I "beat someone up" I'm gonna end up in court and he going to end up owning half my shit. Plus the fact. last time I "beat someone up" I ended up covered in blood, let me tell you, the stress of waiting for the results of HIV and Hep C tests 3 months later makes it definetly not worth it.
Just say to him, "well, you're just a big dumb stupid head. And my dad can beat your dad".

J/K bro. But actually thinking about beating the guy up is a bit childish. There are times when your pride simply will not let you turn the other cheak, this isn't one of those times.
Just be happy with the fact that you look like you and he looks like him.
I agree with uglyass...

Let him know you know....Kinda look him up and down and give a little smirk....kinda go "psshh"

Then just walk off - it'll really make him feel worthless - and who knows, maybe he'll kill himself and you won't have to beat him up=P
i hate people who rat other people out.. however it's not worth fighting over. ALTHOUGH, i also hate how vaginized society is now a days that you can get in trouble so much for dealing someone a well deserved beating. it's pretty lame.. and sometimes the only thing that can cure someone is a beatdown. growing up i took a few beatings and i APPRECIATE those people now for showing me that there can be repercussions for being a fucking prick. those things have molded me and shown me how people should be treated. i won't run my mouth to someone unless they really deserve it and if i do i'm fully aware that they make take a shot at me. i can think of a number of people who didn't get their ass whipped by either their parents or someone else and now they act like childish morons constantly. beating people up is the wrong thing to do the majority of the time but every now and then i think its the best option.
i would LOVE the know the % of BB who use AAS cause they thought it would make the ASS-KICKERS.

I'm sorry that I ever responded to this post in the first place.

I see a "rookie" post like this - and I wonder how many AAS users have THE biggest Inferioraty Complexes I've ever seen.......

i mean - when someone "slights" you, do you get your rocks-off cause you know you are on Juice and could GO INSANE at any minute.

Way I look at it - You stole - and if you were "tight" or respected at the gym, (or took a better approach - maybe ASKING) - none of this would have ever happen.

PLEASE - don't portay all AAS guys as simple as yourself, - cause it's simply not fair.

I care WAY too much, and just can't support behavior that lends a hand to everyone's notion that we are no more than Roid-Rages waiting to happen.

steriods will NEVER make you lose your core values and cool-demeanor (if you have it) - why GO-OFF and take this whole communities perception down with you?

Here' what you do - be a man - and admit that you brought this WHOLE thing on yourself by "assuming" that you could steal from your employer and your co-workers would never think twice.

Have some class...........
imagine said:
beating people up is the wrong thing to do the majority of the time but every now and then i think its the best option.

there's NO WAY you believe this.

How do you justify beating someone up for a situation that is 110% your fault (stealing)....................

You people who buy into this single-handedly set this whole board 10 years back

Just GROW UP and PLEASE - accpet responsibility for you actions.

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