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Did i waste 20 dollars of gear in the fat of my fat ass?

Selfcentor said:
Took my 5th shot in my ass and NO soreness at all. ITs been about 2 hours. No pain or soreness like usuall. This is my 2nd shot in my ass and the other one was sore right away. IF it is wasted do i do anothere shot or wait till next weeks shot? Thanks and does any still absorb through the fat?

May I suggest you inject into your thigh. Use a 25g X 1 or 1 1/2 needle.

Down the road you can Lipo your ass , if diet and excercise don't work.
1) Injections do not always hurt

2) AAS injected into pure fat will still be absorbed by the body and is 100% effective

(I know it is nice to get straight answers sometimes)
The Old Vet said:
1) Injections do not always hurt

2) anabolic androgenic steroids injected into pure fat will still be absorbed by the body and is 100% effective

(I know it is nice to get straight answers sometimes)

Thank you very much. I love this board and have come to accept the great advice and expertise and the sarcasium...Thes best of both and is what makes it the best!! Thanks again
Selfcentor said:
Took my 5th shot in my ass and NO soreness at all. ITs been about 2 hours. No pain or soreness like usuall. This is my 2nd shot in my ass and the other one was sore right away. IF it is wasted do i do anothere shot or wait till next weeks shot? Thanks and does any still absorb through the fat?

glute shots rarely cause me any pain.
The Old Vet said:
1) Injections do not always hurt

2) anabolic androgenic steroids injected into pure fat will still be absorbed by the body and is 100% effective

(I know it is nice to get straight answers sometimes)

Correct ^^ but inj into fatty tissue can take the body longer to metabolise the test. So don't pin ya fat ass with aas!
holy ghost said:
you are afucking trip bro
where are you geting all these bs theories?????

if you were dieting, youd look better.
If you feel depressed, shoot another cc of test, thats what I do when bored.

when i real depresed I just pop some Halotestins , light up a blunt, tie my rag across my dome, smash a 40 and scream fuck the world ese


hahahaha sig :)
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