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4 free week plats for the aas board members!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I would like to thank all the members of the aas board. You are all great people both new and old members. It is a honor to serve all of you here on this forum. So I will be giving out 4 free week plats in this thread and of course k to all of you who do not get a free plat.

Lets here it for the aas board,its members,mods,admen,and sponsors. Nothing but love for all of them. I will pick the members for the free plats as the thread moves along.
Nice, bro.

This board is the best. Period. There are others out there, but by far, the atmosphere and knowledge base here is superior. It isn't full of retards and assholes, nor is there excessive flaming. Questions, no matter how stupid, are taken seriously. Noobs are, for the most part, treated with respect and given useful information, not just "Do a fking search." EF is great.

I love all you guys. :rainbow:
needtogetaas said:
I would like to thank all the members of the anabolic androgenic steroids board. You are all great people both new and old members. It is a honor to serve all of you here on this forum. So I will be giving out 4 free week plats in this thread and of course k to all of you who do not get a free plat.

Lets here it for the anabolic androgenic steroids board,its members,mods,admen,and sponsors. Nothing but love for all of them. I will pick the members for the free plats as the thread moves along.
this site rocks man..luv all the good bros here NO HOMO! lmfaooo ..dont send me nothing needto .. k to u for playin such a big part in makin this site what it is today!
I joined this board 3 years ago and learned so much by talking and reviewing threads from members and mods. This board also saved me money by avoiding being scammed twice. Mods were particularly helpful in this aspect. The conversations are respectful and many debates with the vets are interesting. There is always something new to learn and elite is often the first place to discuss interesting theories and providing helpful advice. Also needto, even if i have never had the chance to discuss with you, I always find your comments right on point and intelligent. Youre often the one in the thread who gives the best real-life advice in my opinion. Thanks bro.
Not trying to sound like a kiss ass here but I dont really know all the members, mods, admins and all that on here, but I can say that in the little time ive been here, Ive got nothing but help. Help with my diet, to my training, to the proper use and understanding of AAS. Before I can here I knew shit but I wanted to get bigger and stronger, now today its a lot of shit that I better understand and thats the most important thing. Especially thanks to needto for damn near holding my hand through my ENTIRE cycle process, helping me out and answering all my questions with any kinda flaming or attitude or smart ass comment, just straight forward answers, I can appreciate shit like that. Thanks again to all.
Damnit Needto. Why ya gotta be that generous? I'm struggling to do half as much as you...and you gotta pull this shit.

Its been a long time since someone as beneficial as Needto has come to Elite. I can't salute you enough my friend.
Whoa, very cool idea for a thread....

I'm still a newbie around these parts, joining almost 2 months ago. I was using Google and other search mechanisms to find information on supplements and gear. I rejoined the gym last year after finally completing my MBA and was making FAST natural gains. At 30, I guess I'm still young enough to be able to turn things around quickly...

I am lucky enough to be naturally athletic, so my fast gains didn't surprise me. Since October alone, I have dropped 6 inches off my waist and have added muscle everywhere...yeah, you could say I wasn't in shape while in school, but back then I'd argue that round IS a shape! Bottom line, I could see that I was approaching my natural peak since I actually got myself into better shape than I was 10 years ago.

I have alot of friends who do gear, and quite honestly, I never felt good about sticking things in my body without researching it first...which is how I found this site. If you would've asked me 3 months ago, what I wanted to do for gear, I would've told you "give me some Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - and Winstrol - stanozolol for 6 weeks. Post-Cycle Therapy? What's that?" I'm glad I found this board before some dickhead gear dealer did....who knows what I would've gone through. Knowing what I know now, my friends are hurting themselves. Very few of them do PC.T, most of them overdose themselves, and none of them get bloodwork.

With the knowledge I gained here, not only did I know to get my bloodwork done, I am now on a prescribed HRT regiment and am using safe, legal OTC products from some of the board's sponsors...none of which I could find at my local stores. In fact, I'm slowly becoming an advocate among my friends for doing things safely so this messageboard is having far-reaching's amazing with all the information out there how many people choose to be ignorant and hurt themselves. I can't save the world, but if I can help my friends avoid danger, I will. Thanks EF for being patient with my newbie questions and keeping my ass (literally) from getting burned....
Great words you guys. All very respectful people to.

The user 'theslime' has been gifted a platinum membership!
4 years as a ef member bro!!! This plats on me bro you deserve it. Thank you for posting up and for being a part of this site for so long. Keep posting!!!
khemix said:
Damnit Needto. Why ya gotta be that generous? I'm struggling to do half as much as you...and you gotta pull this shit.

Its been a long time since someone as beneficial as Needto has come to Elite. I can't salute you enough my friend.
We all give what we can bro. If you have 50k and give out 10k of it. Its a lot more then me having a few mill and giving out 120k of it.

AS long as we all give out what we take in and do our best at it.We will keep this place the best aas site on the net.
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