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Winstrol Site Injections

Dr JK,

I'm just going to keep taking it till it's done. I here that most winstrol water based is a painful injection and I have friends that got good results with the same stuff.

Is this situation with the antibodies going to have a negative overall effect on muscle growth and hardening?

Your body will spend more energy fighting off the substance, instead of directing that energy to anabolism. I did notice results with the painful winny, but not as much energy and therefore less weight was pushed.

I spoke to Ben Johnson (notorious for winny popularity) and he agrees. His shots never hurt and always had more then needed energy with it. That is one of the trademarks of winny, i.e. high endurance.

Dr. JK,

Hmmm thats interesting to note but I found that I am on only getting that low energy feeling after bicep injections.

When I shoot it in my tri's not a problem. Today was my 5th shot and I am feeling harder already.

I still have been making it to every workout pushing with high intensity. I'll know for next time but for now I don't want to screw up this cycle so I have to keep it going.

BTW 25G is too damn small for a winstrol injection. Tried it once and switched back to 23G 1" today.

25 wont work with what I received.

New script filled by a compound pharmacy out of Pittsburgh.

Cant even draw using a 23. Just tried three times, and no luck. This sucks!

Don't really want to go larger then the 23, but I may have to.
Can u site inject trenbolon or test propionat??? with an insulin seringe ( 29g )??? or with 27g would be better? i am not talking about injecting biceps or triceps,i want to inject into my DELTS.....
Made the homebrew winny and it goes in and out of the 28g slin pin fairly easily. Yeah the injections are painful, but I was just wondering how painful they are supposed to be. I hit my delts with it and it almost feels like a bruise only no swelling or hardspots, or discoloration. First time doing winny so I'm not sure what to expect from the injections. Anybody have any input?
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