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wha should i eat after morning lift and cardio?

wait about 1/2 hour to 3/4 hours after your cardio to eat to maximize fat burning. then fuck the little protein shake, eat some oatmeal, egg whites, whole wheat bread... use the shake only when you dont have real food around. good luck bro
this whole wheat bread is confusing me,peeps say its bad some say its good:) god damnit might as well do crack:p
It depends (1$ to somebody)

Unless you're doing WAMC (wimpy ass morning cardio), don't worry about waiting. Even then, post exercise calorie burn from low-intensity cardio is minimal, at best.

If you're trying to lose weight, then fruit isn't the best thing post workout. It will refill liver glycogen over muscle. Try some dextrose/maltodextrin (my favorite is smarties/sweettarts).
how about a protein shake and oatmeal or
protein shake and all bran cereal or
something like whole wheat bread or

The idea behind the post-workout carbs is to create an insulin spike, along with the increased insulin sensitivity after workout. So you're looking for high-GI carbs, easily digestible.
i do cardio in the morning when i wake up. it sucks but thats the best time to do it. after cardio i have a bowl of oatmeal, and a pro complex shake. i mix in some water, ice, strawberries, and flax oil. this gives me good protein, carbs and fat. after i workout around 8:00pm i drink an nlarge 2 shake. this gives me good protein and carbs which is crucial after my workout.
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