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Tren and Drug tests.....HELP

manny78 said:
What kindda job would ask for a drug test ? I've never seen that here except for law enforcement.

I know that you speak three languages (at least) so I guess i will forgive you for not reading his post where he states that he is in LE and the reason for the test is an allegation of steroid use.
Hey bro, I havent seen him on here lately, but you may want to try and email Nautica. He has given other people here advice on how to beat a test. Good luck!
2Thick said:

I know that you speak three languages (at least) so I guess i will forgive you for not reading his post where he states that he is in LE and the reason for the test is an allegation of steroid use.

My bad, I missed his second post. Allegation ? were I work, 1/2 of the guys under 40 are juiced up or did sauce somewhere in their existence. Man you must be working with fat-dontus-pussies to have to deal with such BS....
2Thick said:
Once again, I will recommend that you hide some salt under your sac and then sprinkle it into your urine sample to invalidate the test and to give you more time to flush the fina out of your system.
I read about that, as well as ajax. So, when you use this method, they will test you again? I think some of the places in Canada have the urine sample sent away, so doing this would probably give you 1-2 weeks of time until the next test. You probably know more about testing in Canada then I do, 2thick.
If the test is legit, there is no way to beat it. Plain and simple.

Most testing agencies mark a sample that has been invalidated by the introduction of a foreign substance (bleech, ajax, whiskey, etc...) as grounds for a positive test.

Whatever organization that is testing you is legally obligated to give you the grounds for the testing protocol prior to the test. This could have been years ago, but somewhere, some document that you put your signature on mentions the use of anabolics and the punishment for a positive test. I suggest you try and find this document, and re-read it carefully.

That is to say that the test is even looking for AS, which I still doubt. Most employment tests that decided to include a test for anabolics simply add a T/E ratio test rather than a test for a full spectrum of metabolites. It's just too expensive to conduct a complete test.

If this is the case, get your hands on some of your girlfriends birth controll pills. Provided that they are Epi based, they should tip the ratio if you are in fact over the cuttoff point.

For harder tests, this is not so simple, as a Epi concentration in the urine above a certain threshold is also grounds for a postive test.

My guess is that the test your up against is nothing like the ones I deal with, and when all is said and done, you'll probably be fine.

Your lucky I just had some coffee.
Well here we go again, but I hate to say this, chances are (and I am a pessimist) he will not be fine. He is in law enforcement, and if they are going to test him for steroids they will not only test the test/epitest ratio but will also send the sample for gas chromotagraphy/mass spectrometry. It's a city, state, federal, or county agency, they don't care about the $, if they plan to do the test, they do it and they do it completely. A city with a multi million dollar budget isn't gonna care about spending a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars to find out if a member of law enforcement is violating departmental substance abuse policy. How would I know anything right? Well I have first hand knowledge in that aspect, and at the time I thought they too would just look at test/epitest, but it just doesn't work that way.

Tren is a derivative of nandrolone and will show up as such on a test.

Pelon, if you are truly worried, refuse the test, and if you are at high risk of losing your job, claim you are addicted to juice, under the ADA your department will be required to provide treatment for your "addiction." If you take the test and are found to be positive, it's too late for ADA to cover you. If I could go back in time I'd have done this and I'd still be in law enforcement.

This of course applies if you are a member of a law enforcement agency in the US. If you're in Canada, I have no idea what their practices are.

Either way Pelon, good luck.
Nope, Ronnie don't count, especially since last I heard he was just in the reserves for Arlington PD, which allows him to keep his TCLEOSE license active. Went to the academy with a guy from Arlington who knew quite a few Arlington boyz in blue and I asked him about Ronnie. He pretty much told me that good ol' Arlington PD was well aware of Ronnie's "use" but that he was such a good PR stunt for the department, they looked the other way. Besides, most department's in Texas don't seem to test for roids no matter what, but just my luck, I worked for the only one in Texas who decided to do it....

So come on Pelon, what's up, you a US cop or what? I really wanna know how this pans out.

Syphonfilter said:

This of course applies if you are a member of a law enforcement agency in the US. If you're in Canada, I have no idea what their practices are.

Never ever heard of any testings. Near RCMP academy in Regina, guys used to go on week-ends to the "Shooting Range" to get a "promo" shot lol Others were hiding dbols tabs in their Tylenol bottle. Did the instructors knew about that. Yes. Did they care ? NO !!!
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