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Thinking about joining the dark side...

agreed in the next couple years you will start to peak on where your body can put on lean muscle. But if you do go that way, i don't care what anyone on here says for your first cycle you do not need 600mg of test a week. my first cycle after being off for 5 years i used 300mg a week and grew like a weed. with your diet and your current frame, i am sure your body will respond to very low doses.
Thanks for all the responses guys. I will surely check out some of the supplements mentioned in this thread (Shredder Stack, Unleashed, Big Blast) and give them a go before I jump to gear.

Dark side??? there something wrong with loads of muscle mass, A positive outlook on life, an increased sense of well being, an incerease libido and being strong as a ox???

Nothing wrong with any of those things at all. What dude doesn't want to be lean, mean, and strong as an ox?

Only problem I have with steroids is that I've seen some of the tiniest guys from my high school take them and blow up into muscle heads and it pisses me off. They were the skinny dorks that never worked out and now they are bigger and stronger than me because they've ran a few cycles.

I've even lifted with them and I lift way harder and eat way better but their strength and physiques blow mine away because of the stuff they are using, no other reason.

But you know what they say, if you can't beat em, join 'em!
Thanks for all the responses guys. I will surely check out some of the supplements mentioned in this thread (Shredder Stack, Unleashed, Big Blast) and give them a go before I jump to gear.

Nothing wrong with any of those things at all. What dude doesn't want to be lean, mean, and strong as an ox?

Only problem I have with steroids is that I've seen some of the tiniest guys from my high school take them and blow up into muscle heads and it pisses me off. They were the skinny dorks that never worked out and now they are bigger and stronger than me because they've ran a few cycles.

I've even lifted with them and I lift way harder and eat way better but their strength and physiques blow mine away because of the stuff they are using, no other reason.

But you know what they say, if you can't beat em, join 'em!

The Only thing I can say is that typically those are the guys that get massive! In every aspect. Massive acne, massive, then no pct and then just massively fat! Since your doing it the right way of doing it you're going to have a lot more success and look a ton beter too!!!
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