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Test-Suspension in Canada.


New member
Does anyone know of any UG that sells good test-suspension in Canada, it must be water based also. I tried the orbit stuff... no results.. Unless they made a new batch that actually works, I won't buy from them again..
I havn't used it, but I heard the QFS suspension was good and painless. Have no idea how they made it painless, but some guys are saying it is. I was another of the lucky ones to use orbit suspension :)
I ran the QFS with amazing results. I did site injections with it using 23guage pins and no clogging. The 25g pins would work most of the time but now and then it would clog. I would get some knotting in the muscle now and then but that is expected of suspension.

They came out with another product which is similar suspension but is supposed to work better. It's called cyclotest. Absolutely painless (tested it) and goes through a 25g. The only reason I couldn't use it as a base for a cycle was it's potency of 50mg/ml. I was doing 1 g of test a week with fina ED and 3 eq shots a week. I used the cyclo test as a pre workout boost now and then and it worked rather well.
Veto-Test and Unitest (which are legit brands) makes it at 100mg/ml (30ml bottle). The only problem is to have a good friend working as a vet...
Theres also the GelSport product Testo Gel (QFS and PT collaboration) that has been compared to suspension, but is actually a topical. Absorption rate is amazing... started this stuff a few weeks ago, and about 15 - 20 minutes after applying, you can feel it kicking in. The only downside is that you have to apply it a few times a day as it is a completely non-estered hormone used, which I dont mind as I now live with my GF, and she's not aware of my AAS usage. :D She'd FREAK if she caught me with a needle in my ass! I apply this stuff right in front of her and she has no freakin clue what it actually is.
I had great results with the quest stuff, painful at times but I've never tried suspension that wasnt. The 2x daily injects did kinda suck
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