Correct me if i'm wrong, (and it seems like someone will even when i'm not) but the majority of bodybuilders dont use this to "stretch the fascia.." they use it before competitions and such to help with symmetry and get an even look throughout the body in places they might be lacking.
So yes, while this product can have its good uses, I see it as one that is actually abused and to me is as bad as getting calve implants.
Here is a youtube video of synthol leaking out of a guys arm during a competition, He defiantly wasn't trying to stretch any fascia
shoulder is leaking - YouTube
That video has been posted many times on many boards, and as has been stated, it is not Syntherol. Syntherol is not white, puss from an abcess is.
I know many pros that have and do use Syntherol, and most use it during cycles as well as prior to competition.