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Scar Tissue !


New member
My quads fucking hurt like hell after my ed inj of fina. glutes and delts are no pain or prob what-so-ever. But my freakin quads are knotted up and shit for like 4 days after they get inj. what is the deal?

Will the scar tissue go away? Will it effect my strength gains? Does the fact I don't work legs make matters worse? It feels like a lumpy bruise. But only the quads. Any advice?
its not scar tissue...its the juice making it sore for a few days....why don't you train legs?...unless you have none there is no reason not to train them....scar tissue does not go away...

So my legs are not necisarily filled with scar tissue then? Wonder why my quads are the most painful inj I do? Just my genetics?

I don't train legs because I suck. I know I need to. I keep telling myself I'm going to start...soon! But I am trying to build a gym at my house, and I don't have a squat rack or calve machine yet. Of course I could still do lunges, leg curls, and leg extensions... but That seems like it would be doing it half ass. LOL Course it would be better than not at all.

I'm just not obsecced with my chicken legs yet. My chest was so god damn flat I would take my shirt off and people would think they saw a bird out of the corner of their eye. :D

I've been focusing on my chest, bies, tries, & forearms for the time being. I really just want to look good when I take my shirt off in public. How often do you take your pants off in public? (dont answer that.)
Re: legs

in-progress said:

I've been focusing on my chest, bies, tries, & forearms for the time being. I really just want to look good when I take my shirt off in public.

That don't mean SHIT unless u got legs! :nopity:
How often do you take your pants off in public? (dont answer that.)

you'd be surprised....and no your legs are prolly not full of scar many cycles have you done? many shots in the quads?...shots in the quads are usually more painful because of so many nerves in the area....if its bothering you that much do bis and tris.....easiest shots i've ever done...besides glutes....quads always feel funny to me....and start training those legs!
I will never hit the quads again

since I hit a nerve and have this fucking dent in my leg (atrophy).
i get little knots in my quads (right around the injection site) from time to time if i tense up a lot. They hurst like a bitch! But hey, its all good!
Bro, work your fuckin legs man! You do know that if you work your legs your upper body will grow better.
Hittin the sauce without doing legs?????
Re think that bro...
bro, my girlfriend and all her friends talk about "those" guys with the little legs and the big chest. believe me they notice!
I don't see you listing back training either. You will never build a truly big chest, without training back either. You need to train the ENTIRE body. If you don't train your legs, you will never get the 'thick' look in your entire body. Squats, deads, etc are all part of what makes a really quality body. From the sounds of it, you shouldn't even be juicing yet.

ps. People do notice the legs. One guy at the gym has pro bodybuilder upper body, but horrible chicken legs. Every girl and guy makes fun of him, and he knows it! I've seen them starting to train legs lately, and I give him credit for changing his ways
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