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Approved Log RoidRage69 Cutting Log


Weight 253.6


Hammer Decline Press
Reverse Grip Freemotion Chest Press
Dip Machine
Tricep Pushdowns Double D
DB Kickbacks

Tricep Extension
Treadmill 26min

Current PED use

300mg Test Enanthate/week
300mg Masteron Enanthate/week
300mg EQ/week
50mg Proviron/day
3IU GH/day
10mg Cialis workout days
1mg Semaglutide/week
25mg Cardarine/day

Eating is hard to do. Making sure I get as much protein down as possible. Aiming for 200+ per day. Started making homemade healthy ice cream with my Ninja Creami. Thank you PrinceDaddy for bringing this to my attention!!! Using 1% milk with protein powder and whole eggs and MCT oil. Stomache is shrinking fast. Face is leaner. Everything is leaner. I am steady on weight. Was expecting to put on a fast 5 lbs just with inflamation due to re-introducing EQ and higher test/masteron than I am used to using vs the 150mg TRT. Might increase the dosages once I get some aromasin in the mail. I have a 16 week cycle so its not critical to go heavy the first couple weeks. Overall I am happy with how its going. Strength is up hunger is way down. Looking forward to doing deadlifts on Monday. Switched the chest workout order so I have a full 3 days of rest from upper body til deadlifting. Should be fine for the shoulder. Today was only 5 days between last chest/tris workout so pretty pleased how it felt considering didnt get a full week in between.

Weight 253.6


Hammer Decline Press
Reverse Grip Freemotion Chest Press
Dip Machine
Tricep Pushdowns Double D
DB Kickbacks

Tricep Extension
Treadmill 26min

Current PED use

300mg Test Enanthate/week
300mg Masteron Enanthate/week
300mg EQ/week
50mg Proviron/day
3IU GH/day
10mg Cialis workout days
1mg Semaglutide/week
25mg Cardarine/day

Eating is hard to do. Making sure I get as much protein down as possible. Aiming for 200+ per day. Started making homemade healthy ice cream with my Ninja Creami. Thank you PrinceDaddy for bringing this to my attention!!! Using 1% milk with protein powder and whole eggs and MCT oil. Stomache is shrinking fast. Face is leaner. Everything is leaner. I am steady on weight. Was expecting to put on a fast 5 lbs just with inflamation due to re-introducing EQ and higher test/masteron than I am used to using vs the 150mg TRT. Might increase the dosages once I get some aromasin in the mail. I have a 16 week cycle so its not critical to go heavy the first couple weeks. Overall I am happy with how its going. Strength is up hunger is way down. Looking forward to doing deadlifts on Monday. Switched the chest workout order so I have a full 3 days of rest from upper body til deadlifting. Should be fine for the shoulder. Today was only 5 days between last chest/tris workout so pretty pleased how it felt considering didnt get a full week in between.
@RoidRage69 you ever think of stepping on stage? with your progress I can see you dropping to stage masters weight.
Princedaddy on EVO I think right? I saw he did a show the other month.

Weight 255.9

Morning Fasted Cardio
StairMaster 20min
Treadmill 50min

Thinking about stoping the sarms altogether and bumping my masteron to the same mg amount as my test and eq. 300mg of each. Think it would be less stress on my body and get better results. The extra 100mg of mast should also help with A.I. since I don't use any as I believe they hinder gains.

So basically run 300mg each of Test, Mast, EQ for 16 weeks and starting week#6 start Tbol 30mg for 5 weeks and then switch over to anavar 50mg for the final 5 weeks.
More. Not less.

But... as I've said on podcasts newbies (not that you are obvs) miss that to progress and grow = results = stress

Weight 255.9

Morning Fasted Cardio
StairMaster 20min
Treadmill 50min

Thinking about stoping the sarms altogether and bumping my masteron to the same mg amount as my test and eq. 300mg of each. Think it would be less stress on my body and get better results. The extra 100mg of mast should also help with A.I. since I don't use any as I believe they hinder gains.

So basically run 300mg each of Test, Mast, EQ for 16 weeks and starting week#6 start Tbol 30mg for 5 weeks and then switch over to anavar 50mg for the final 5 weeks.
More. Not less.

But... as I've said on podcasts newbies (not that you are obvs) miss that to progress and grow = results = stress
More. Not less.

But... as I've said on podcasts newbies (not that you are obvs) miss that to progress and grow = results = stress
I am talking about stoping the sarms would be less stress on the body. Bumping the masteron from 200 to 300 and ending the LGD and S23 should be less stressful as the orals are out of the situation. Less stress on the liver. Anyway its done. Most likely going to raise the masteron to 500 in a couple weeks and stop proviron and start taking a tiny dose of aromasin. I actually dont think I will even need to use it once I bump the Masteron. RHR is already coming down and weight is peeling off even faster now. Damn near went below the magical 250lbs this morning.
@RoidRage69 you ever think of stepping on stage? with your progress I can see you dropping to stage masters weight.
Princedaddy on EVO I think right? I saw he did a show the other month.
Oh yes I have thought about it. That is why I am doing this cut. Too see what I look like under all this fat. I think I have a good solid base to work with. I just am not sure about my hernia. Insurance wont cover it as they say it is a cosmetic thing. Its one of those hernia in between the ab muscle the white part is stretched. After I lose more weight we will see how it looks. I truly believe I could be on stage at 250lbs shredded in 24 months. My muscle really grows just by looking at bottles of test.

Everyday I look in the mirror and I am shocked at the changes I see on a daily basis. My mind is blown from the near 45lb weight loss since July 12.
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